At your transformers‘ service

Many cus­tomers asso­ciate the Rein­hausen brand with on-load tap-chang­ers. But the com­pa­ny also offers advice, main­te­nance, replace­ment, and retro­fitting of trans­former acces­sories or com­pre­hen­sive ser­vic­ing of pow­er trans­form­ers, includ­ing all mea­sure­ments.


Rec­og­niz­ing warn­ing signs ear­ly can help pro­tect trans­form­ers from defects and max­i­mize their ser­vice life.

Con­di­tion assess­ments: We car­ry out numer­ousmea­sure­ment pro­ce­dures in order to ascer­tain and eval­u­ate the con­di­tion of trans­form­ers and all crit­i­cal com­po­nents.
Tests: Whether it‘s dynam­ic resis­tance mea­sure­ment, vibro-acoustic diag­nos­tics, or par­tial dis­charge mea­sure­ment, we offer all rel­e­vant test meth­ods relat­ing to trans­form­ers and on-load tap-chang­ers.
Oil analy­sis: An essen­tial tool for assess­ing the con­di­tion of trans­form­ers and on-load tap-chang­ers. We pro­vide sup­port rang­ing from sam­ple tak­ing and lab­o­ra­to­ry analy­sis to the inter­pre­ta­tion of results.

Your con­tact: Marc Foa­ta
The diag­nos­tics expert worked at an ener­gy sup­pli­er for 25 years. Today he is work­ing on gain­ing a bet­ter under­stand­ing of pow­er trans­form­ers and how to get the most out of them.


For decades we have been the spe­cial­ists for on-load tap-chang­ers and trans­form­ers. Our exper­tise can offer you real advan­tages.

Fleet man­age­ment: With our new assess­ment sys­tem, you can gain the per­fect overview of your trans­former fleet. Solu­tions engi­neer­ing: We pro­vide advice on the design of trans­form­ers and offer tai­lored solu­tions even for project busi­ness.
Train­ing and instruc­tion: We offer train­ing and instruc­tion at your premis­es or at one of our five train­ing cen­ters around the world.

Your con­tact: Alex­ei Babiz­ki
His pre­vi­ous inter­est was in pur­su­ing tech­ni­cal ques­tions in research and devel­op­ment. Today he devel­ops tai­lored solu­tions for our cus­tomers.


With our tech­ni­cal ser­vice offer­ings, we take care of your trans­former over its entire life­cy­cle.

Instal­la­tion and com­mis­sion­ing: We pro­videsup­port from deliv­ery and instal­la­tion right through to the com­mis­sion­ing of your new trans­former.
Main­te­nance of on-load tap-chang­ers: Cer­ti­fied ser­vice tech­ni­cians are involved in the main­te­nance of all types and mod­els all around the world.
Main­te­nance of trans­form­ers: We also car­ry out main­te­nance and repairs on the trans­former.
Oil prepa­ra­tion: We pre­pare the oil in trans­form­ers and on-load tap-chang­ers and offer a dehy­dra­tion ser­vice dur­ing oper­a­tion.

Your con­tact: Uwe Selt­sam
The expe­ri­enced ser­vice engi­neer is today head of glob­al cus­tomer ser­vice. His mot­to: Pro­vid­ing ser­vice any­time, any place.


We upgrade your trans­former to the lat­est tech­ni­cal stan­dards.

On-load tap-chang­er replace­ment: We offer direct, on-site retro­fitting solu­tions for on-load tap-chang­ers. This reduces main­te­nance costs and enhances the avail­abil­i­ty of trans­form­ers.
Replace­ment of motor units: Our port­fo­lio includes the right replace­ment for almost any motor-dri­ve unit.
Retro­fitting solu­tions: We offer retro­fitting solu­tions for com­po­nents such as pumps, bush­ings, and con­trollers.
Tech­ni­cal upgrades: Retro­fitting with com­po­nents such as our mon­i­tor­ing sys­tems or vac­u­um on-load tap-chang­ers turns every trans­former into a durable and high-tech machine.

Your con­tact: Robert Nie­der­mey­er
He applies his exten­sive prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence in pro­vid­ing ser­vice to the cus­tomer. His mot­to: We make your equip­ment fit for the chal­lenges of the future!

Four con­tacts – one e‑mail address:

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