It works. The little building making all the difference

Gener­at­ing elec­tric­i­ty from wind pow­er is bet­ter for the envi­ron­ment, but it‘s often a risk fac­tor for elec­tric­i­ty grids. When gen­er­at­ing pow­er in this way, har­mon­ic cur­rents often occur which dis­rupt the pow­er qual­i­ty with­in the grid. If plants fre­quent­ly exceed the pre­scribed lim­it val­ues in this regard, they have to be removed from the grid. In the worst cas­es, they may even lose their oper­at­ing licence. For this wind farm oper­a­tor in the south of Ger­many, these con­cerns are a thing of the past. The small con­crete blocks at the feet of the wind tur­bines each con­tain a high-fre­quen­cy fil­ter sys­tem from MR, which ensures dis­rup­tion-free pow­er net­works at fre­quen­cies up to 9 kilo­hertz. Until recent­ly this was only pos­si­ble at fre­quen­cies up to 2.5 kilo­hertz.

Would you like to learn more about the technology behind this achievement?

Find out more about the Technology in the article „Filters for the high-frequency range“


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