The interconnection of the seas

What is the best way to col­lect the wind pow­er in the North and Baltic Seas and dis­trib­ute it to the neigh­bor­ing states? The vision: with a net­work of arti­fi­cial islands.

1 Princess Elisabeth Island

As it looks, this island will be the world’s first arti­fi­cial ener­gy island. The Bel­gian trans­mis­sion sys­tem oper­a­tor Elia wants to build it 45 kilo­me­ters off the coast of Bel­gium. Con­struc­tion is sched­uled to start as ear­ly as 2024. When the project is com­plet­ed in 2030, 3.5 gigawatts of elec­tric­i­ty will be pro­duced in the region around the island on an area of around 285 square kilo­me­ters. This will flow via sub­ma­rine cable to the Bel­gian main­land but also to the ener­gy island off Thors­minde and to the Unit­ed King­dom. The island is designed in such a way that it can be expand­ed in a mod­u­lar fash­ion at a lat­er date.

2 Islands on the Dogger Bank

The Dog­ger Bank is a sand­bank lying under the sea about 300 to 350 kilo­me­ters long and up to 120 kilo­me­ters wide, which was a land bridge between Great Britain and Den­mark dur­ing the last ice age. It is only 13 meters deep in places and there­fore ide­al­ly suit­ed for off­shore wind farms with a total capac­i­ty of 100 gigawatts. The tur­bines are expect­ed to start oper­at­ing from the ear­ly 2030s. One or more islands could be raised on the Dog­ger Bank and col­lect the elec­tric­i­ty, which would then be rout­ed to the UK, Nor­way and Bel­gium. So far, how­ev­er, the plans exist only on paper.

3 Island off Thorsminde

Den­mark is plan­ning a twelve hectare ener­gy island 80 kilo­me­ters off the North Sea coast of Thors­minde. It could sup­ply three gigawatts of elec­tric­i­ty after the first stage of expan­sion, lat­er it is planned to sup­ply ten gigawatts, which will then be pro­vid­ed by a total of sev­en sur­round­ing wind farms with around 470 wind tur­bines. Elec­trol­y­sis plants for hydro­gen pro­duc­tion are also planned. The clean wind pow­er is intend­ed for Den­mark, Bel­gium and Ger­many. Orig­i­nal­ly, the island was to be con­nect­ed to the grid from 2033, but plans are cur­rent­ly on hold until investors are found for the project.

4 Bornholm Energy Island

Although this project is not an arti­fi­cial island, the vaca­tion island of Born­holm in the Baltic Sea is also to serve as an ener­gy hub with a con­vert­er, trans­former sta­tion and a ter­mi­nal for dis­trib­ut­ing the wind pow­er pro­duced by off­shore tur­bines about 15 kilo­me­ters south­west of the coast start­ing around 2030. At least three gigawatts of capac­i­ty are expect­ed to be installed. A cable will deliv­er the pow­er across Zealand (Den­mark) and on to Ger­many.




Rein­hausen already offers prod­ucts, solu­tions and ser­vices for mar­itime off­shore appli­ca­tions that are also suit­able for the ener­gy islands.
An overview.

Voltage regulation

Volt­age reg­u­la­tion at sea is even more chal­leng­ing than it is on land. MR’s tap-chang­ers and oth­er equip­ment can be used to build a sta­ble grid.

More info at:

Intelligent operating equipment

Off­shore equip­ment is sub­ject to par­tic­u­lar­ly high stress­es. The ETOS® automa­tion solu­tion, com­bined with intel­li­gent sen­sors, enables trans­form­ers to be mon­i­tored and con­trolled. This pro­vides an accu­rate pic­ture of the oper­at­ing sta­tus at all times. In addi­tion, the dig­i­ti­za­tion solu­tion helps with com­plex net­work man­age­ment tasks, for exam­ple by tem­porar­i­ly over­load­ing the trans­former.

More info at:

Clean grids

On the high seas, there is a lack of grid-sta­bi­liz­ing pow­er plants. With GRIDCON® STATCOM sys­tems, volt­age-sta­bi­liz­ing and load-flow-opti­miz­ing mea­sures can also be imple­ment­ed at sea.

More info at:

Testing technology for cables

A defect in a sub­ma­rine cable would be fatal for the pow­er sup­ply on land. HIGHVOLT offers weath­er­proof off­shore test­ing sys­tems that are spe­cial­ly designed for use on the high seas to detect pos­si­ble defects in the cable at an ear­ly stage.

More info at:

Robust insulators

Salt spray and mois­ture are extreme­ly dam­ag­ing to insu­la­tors. The com­pos­ite hol­low insu­la­tors from Rein­hausen Pow­er Com­pos­ites are ide­al­ly suit­ed for use at sea because the shield­ing is made of sil­i­cone. This is hydropho­bic, i.e. water-repel­lent, and pre­vents the depo­si­tion of salt.

More info at:

Solutions for electrolysis

Some wind pow­er can be used direct­ly at sea to elec­trolyze hydro­gen. With vac­u­um on-load tap-chang­ers from the VACUTAP® series in com­bi­na­tion with MR’s pow­er qual­i­ty solu­tions, the per­for­mance as well as the life­time of H2 plants can be increased. (read more in „H2 ready“).

Service on the high seas

Rein­hausen has ser­vice per­son­nel spe­cial­ly cer­ti­fied for off­shore use who are quick­ly on site and imple­ment repair mea­sures so that the wind farm can be quick­ly recon­nect­ed to the grid.

More info at:

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