Cables Check XXL

All over the world, the dis­tances over which pow­er sources have to trav­el are increas­ing, requir­ing longer cables in both marine and ground appli­ca­tions. Test­ing the safe­ty of the cables that cov­er these lengths is putting real strain on exist­ing test facil­i­ties. For­tu­nate­ly, XXL reac­tors from HIGHVOLT are com­ing to the res­cue.

The twelve steel giants make for a jaw-drop­ping sight. Linked to one anoth­er by a net­work of thin rods and del­i­cate stilts, they stretch feel­er-like appendages bold­ly out in front of them. Span­ning some 400 square kilo­me­ters, the struc­ture looks like some­thing dreamt up by a futur­is­tic imag­i­na­tion – but those with an expert eye will instant­ly rec­og­nize it as a test sys­tem for cables. The steel giants are the reac­tors.

The rods and stilts are the volt­age dividers. And the things that look like feel­ers? Those are bush­ings. They all come togeth­er to form what is prob­a­bly the world’s most pow­er­ful high-volt­age test sys­tem. Oper­ating with 700 mega­volt-amperes, it is able to test the entire­ty of a 55-kilo­me­ter cable sys­tem for defects in the insu­la­tion and cou­pling sleeves at 318 kilo­volts. Before it came on the scene, cable sys­tems of this length had to be test­ed in indi­vid­ual sec­tions.

At 4.5 meters wide, 3.5 meters high, 4 meters long, and weigh­ing some 50 tons (in the Pic­ture on the right), they are approx­i­mate­ly twice the size of their small­er coun­ter­parts.(© Erik Hauffe)

The loca­tion for this tech­no­log­i­cal mas­ter­piece is the plant of a sub­ma­rine cable man­u­fac­tur­er on the Isth­mus of Corinth in Greece. Just a short walk from the quay­side there, coils of sub­ma­rine cables are test­ed on enor­mous turnta­bles before being loaded on to spe­cial ships bound for projects under­tak­en by cus­tomers all over the world. HIGHVOLT, a mem­ber of the Rein­hausen Group, was respon­si­ble for con­struct­ing the facil­i­ty. The Dres­den-based com­pa­ny spe­cial­izes in test sys­tems designed for high-volt­age and extra-high-volt­age applications—making it a busi­ness whose bread and but­ter are extreme con­di­tions.

But even this facil­i­ty proved a chal­lenge for HIGHVOLT’s engi­neers. Gün­ther Siebert, head of the trans­former team, explains: “The longer a cable or a cable sys­tem is, the high­er the pow­er deliv­ered by the test sys­tem has to be. For a length of 55 kilo­me­ters, we would have had to install prac­ti­cal­ly an aver­age-sized pow­er plant next to the equip­ment in order to achieve the lev­el of test pow­er need­ed. So we knew we had to find a dif­fer­ent solu­tion.”


The Greek cable man­u­fac­tur­er in this appli­ca­tion is not the only one to have faced this chal­lenge. All over the world, but espe­cial­ly in Europe, the dis­tances that pow­er is being required to cov­er are grow­ing, which means that more and more AC and DC volt­age cables are being installed under the sea or buried below ground lev­el. This is hap­pen­ing in response to our plan­et becom­ing an increas­ing­ly elec­tri­fied place. A study by the World Ener­gy Coun­cil has found that the demand for pow­er in 2060 could actu­al­ly be twice as high as it is today. Renew­able sources of ener­gy are there­fore becom­ing an increas­ing­ly impor­tant way of feed­ing this appetite for ener­gy while look­ing out for envi­ron­men­tal con­cerns.

One exam­ple demon­strat­ing this is the Euro­pean Union’s goal of boost­ing the pro­por­tion of ener­gy drawn from envi­ron­men­tal­ly con­scious resources to at least 32 per­cent by 2030. Achiev­ing this will require sig­nif­i­cant net­work expan­sion, how­ev­er, as most ener­gy sources are locat­ed far away from conurbations—take the off­shore wind farms in the Baltic Sea, for exam­ple, or Norway’s hydro­elec­tric pow­er plants, or the solar farms that are cur­rent­ly being planned for instal­la­tion in the Sahara. To accom­mo­date this, numer­ous elec­tric­i­ty lines that cross seas and con­nect net­works are either on the agen­da or are already being built.

Cabling Around the World

The his­to­ry of sub­ma­rine cabling had some­thing of a shaky start. The very first cable laid under the sea was only able to trans­mit a sin­gle telegram, and on 29 August 1850 – just one day after the con­nec­tion between France and the Unit­ed King­dom had been estab­lished – the net of a fish­ing boat man­aged to sev­er the line.

This soon prompt­ed addi­tion­al tri­als of the tech­nol­o­gy, lead­ing to suc­cess­ful advance­ments in the cabling used in the world’s oceans (then pri­mar­i­ly intend­ed for com­mu­ni­ca­tion).

Around 100 years lat­er, in 1954, the first high-volt­age direct-cur­rent (HVDC) trans­mis­sion cable was installed under the sea between the Swedish island of Got­land and the country’s main­land.

Mea­sur­ing 90 kilo­me­ters in length, it boast­ed a trans­mis­sion volt­age of 100 kilo­volts and a capac­i­ty of 20 megawatts. Since then, the trans­mis­sion volt­age of sub­ma­rine cables has con­tin­ued to grow and now reach­es some 525 kilo­volts of DC volt­age and 500 kilo­volts of AC volt­age. A total of 8,000 kilo­me­ters have been installed under seas and oceans world­wide over the same peri­od – 70 per­cent of them in Europe. This is also where the major­i­ty of new projects are cur­rent­ly being planned.

It is only with­in the past few years, how­ev­er, that the con­sid­er­able advances made in cable tech­nol­o­gy have made these projects viable at all. Since they began, AC and DC trans­mis­sion volt­ages mea­sur­ing up to 500 kilo­volts and 525 kilo­volts respec­tive­ly have become attain­able, and new mate­ri­als plus new types of pro­duc­tion tech­nol­o­gy now enable man­u­fac­tur­ers to con­struct lengths of up to 15 kilo­me­ters.

This increase means that few­er sleeves are required to con­nect the indi­vid­ual sec­tions of cable — a real bonus con­sid­er­ing that around 50 per­cent of fail­ures are attrib­ut­able to incor­rect­ly installed or defec­tive sleeves, mak­ing every one of them a poten­tial source of weak­ness. If a sleeve were to break and cause the entire net­work to col­lapse sud­den­ly, the con­se­quences could be dire.

This is pre­cise­ly the sit­u­a­tion that the Greek man­u­fac­tur­er is seek­ing to avoid. For this rea­son, it has to test its cables for any poten­tial defects before send­ing them off on their jour­neys. Its pre­vi­ous sys­tem was no longer up to the job, and this was where HIGHVOLT stepped in with an upgrade. As Gün­ther Siebert explains, the new sys­tem works in much the same way as the old one did: “Pow­er fre­quen­cy with­stand volt­age test­ing, based on the res­o­nance prin­ci­ple and com­bined with par­tial dis­charge meas­urement, has proven itself to be an appro­pri­ate method of test­ing both AC and DC cables.”

Today’s pipe-lay­ing ves­sels are able to trans­port cables mea­sur­ing up to 80 kilo­me­ters. (© Shut­ter­stock)

The Solution: XXL Reactors

When HIGHVOLT knew that it had to make sure this same method would work for longer cables too, it turned to larg­er reac­tors for the solu­tion. It is imme­di­ate­ly obvi­ous from the Greek facility’s appear­ance just how large they actu­al­ly are: At 4.5 meters wide, 3.5 meters high, 4 meters long, and weigh­ing some 50 tons, they are approx­i­mate­ly twice the size of their small­er coun­ter­parts. “At this size, our XXL reac­tors can still be trans­port­ed by land—although only just—and it takes hard­ly any time at all for them to get up and run­ning,” says Siebert.

In a res­o­nance test cir­cuit, reac­tors serve as the oppo­site num­ber to the capac­i­tive test object, which in this appli­ca­tion is the cable. Put sim­ply, the longer the cable, the high­er the required capacity—and the high­er the reac­tor pow­er need­ed as a result. While sev­er­al XXL reac­tors could be com­bined using series or par­al­lel con­nec­tions in order to boost the pow­er, this would not have made much sense with the pre­vi­ous type. “The XXL reac­tors are only twice as heavy as the old ones, but they are four times as pow­er­ful,” says Siebert.

While one of the old reac­tors was able to deliv­er 30 MVA of pow­er, the new ones achieve some 115 MVA—so just four reac­tors are now enough to meet the Greek cable manufacturer’s require­ments, in con­trast to the 16 small­er ones that it would have need­-
ed pre­vi­ous­ly. What’s more, the four larg­er reac­tors have the advan­tage of requir­ing only 120 square meters of space as opposed to the 620 square meters that would have been tak­en up by the 16 small­er ones.

“The new XXL reac­tors are four times more pow­er­ful than the pre­vi­ous ones, but only twice the size.”Gün­ther Siebert, head of the trans­former team at HIGHVOLT

As an added bonus that has giv­en the test pow­er even more of a boost, the XXL reac­tors have been dimen­sioned for a fre­quen­cy range of 10 to 300 hertz—previously, this range had start­ed at 20 hertz. “The low­er the test fre­quen­cy, the low­er the test cur­rent that needs to flow into the cable. This means that it is pos­si­ble to test longer stretch­es of cable with­out the need for any changes in the test volt­age,” explains Siebert.

But that’s just the start. The poten­tial that these XXL reac­tors hold is far from exhaust­ed thanks to a mod­u­lar facil­i­ty struc­ture that will allow expan­sions to be made in the future. “We can com­bine as many as 16 reac­tors in a sin­gle test sys­tem, which in the­o­ry means that it could be pos­si­ble to test cables meas­uring as much as 200 kilo­me­ters in length,” says Siebert—the only obsta­cle being that there are, as yet, no ships large enough to car­ry a cable of this size in one piece. For the moment, one thing is cer­tain: With demand for elec­tric­i­ty grow­ing all the time, these cable projects still have a lot of mileage left in them.


Do you have any ques­tions about the new test sys­tem?
Gün­ther Siebert is here to help:

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