Keeping the Lights on in Hong Kong

There are some 11 cities with over a mil­lion inhab­i­tants locat­ed in the Pearl Riv­er Delta region. Hong Kong is one of them. Here, we take a trip through the ener­gy that pow­ers this megac­i­ty.


Hong Kong’s first elec­tric street lamps were installed in with two 50 kW steam-pow­ered gen­er­a­tors keep­ing them run­ning.

Becoming a Megacity: Hong Kong’s Population Explosion

Year: 1901
Inhab­i­tants: 283,205

Year: 2019
Inhab­i­tants: 7,518,900

Year: 2050
Inhab­i­tants: 8,161,000

Demand for elec­tric­i­ty in Hong Kong has risen by as much as

80 %

since 1990

161,118 Terajoules

This is how much pow­er Hong Kong con­sumed in 2018. Divid­ed up, the pic­ture looks like this:

The power grid at a glance:

5 pow­er plants
cater to 77 % of the demand for pow­er.

23 %
of Hong Kong’s elec­tric­i­ty is import­ed from else­where.

2 com­pa­nies
are respon­si­ble for Hong Kong’s pow­er sup­ply: The Chi­na Light and Pow­er Com­pa­ny (CLP), found­ed in 1901,and the Hongkong Elec­tric Com­pa­ny (HKC), found­ed in 1890.

15,800 Kilo­me­ters
of trans­mis­sion and high-volt­age dis­tri­b­u­tion lines cov­er the pow­er grid oper­at­ed by CLP.

This includes 14,917 dis­tri­b­u­tion sta­tions at pri­ma­ry and sec­ondary lev­el.

Mega Service for a Megacity

To ensure that the lights never go out in Hong Kong, the city’s largest grid operator is putting its trust in Reinhausen’s service.

As soon as the last of the day’s sun­light reflects in the sky­scraper facades on the Pearl Riv­er Delta and dusk sets in, Hong Kong trans­forms into a shim­mer­ing sea of lights from myr­i­ad sources. At night, it becomes clear what gives this megac­i­ty its buzz dur­ing the day too: elec­tric­i­ty. Around 80 per­cent is sup­plied by the Chi­na Light and Pow­er Com­pa­ny, CLP for short, which was found­ed in 1901 and is the city’s largest ener­gy sup­pli­er.

And this sup­ply is need­ed around the clock, every sin­gle day. The absolute worst-case sce­nario would be if the grid col­lapsed and the most impor­tant life­line in this finance and com­merce metrop­o­lis was sev­ered. Traf­fic would come to a stand­still, goods sup­plies would come to a halt, and lives would be put at risk. CLP there­fore needs to be able to rely on its equip­ment one hun­dred per­cent. An essen­tial role is played by the pow­er trans­form­ers which are dis­trib­uted across the city region and are equipped with around 400 tap chang­ers sup­plied by Maschi­nen­fab­rik Rein­hausen (MR), for which CLP has now con­clud­ed a com­pre­hen­sive Ser­vice coop­er­a­tion with Rein­hausen.

A ser­vice engi­neer from Regens­burg came all the way to CLP in Hong Kong for the retro­fitting work.

Jason Au, a main­te­nance engi­neer in the East & West Region who is also respon­si­ble for ser­vice projects at CLP, explains the sit­u­a­tion: “MR has all the spare parts we need and offers a com­pre­hen­sive ser­vice for over­haul­ing and retro­fitting on-load tap-chang­ers, as well as trou­bleshoot­ing in the event of an emer­gency. MR is renowned for its excep­tion­al cus­tomer ser­vice and its expe­ri­enced and superbly trained tech­ni­cians who are also up to speed on the require­ments of the pow­er grid in Hong Kong.” Sev­er­al exten­sive retro­fit projects have already been com­plet­ed.

A ser­vice engi­neer from Regens­burg retro­fit­ted a total of 6 trans­form­ers with divert­er switch inserts from the VACUTAP® VM® series at the end of 2018. “Vac­u­um tech­nol­o­gy from Rein­hausen helps us to extend the ser­vice life of our trans­form­ers. What’s more, these tap chang­ers require vir­tu­al­ly no main­te­nance. “From a cost per­spec­tive, this is a key fac­tor,” states Jason Au and adds: “A fur­ther advan­tage of vac­u­um tech­nol­o­gy is that much less insu­la­tion oil is required for the tap chang­ers due to the fact that they are vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance-free. This is excel­lent news for our cli­mate objec­tives, as in addi­tion to costs, we are also look­ing to save on resources.”


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