
New Managing Director

Along­side Michael Rohde and Dr. Nico­las Maier-Scheubeck, Maschi­nen­fab­rik Rein­hausen GmbH now has a third Man­ag­ing Direc­tor: Wil­fried Breuer. He has been respon­si­ble for the Trans­mis­sion and Automa­tion busi­ness units and for sales since April. Before join­ing MR, Wil­fried Breuer—who is a qual­i­fied elec­tri­cal engineer—was a mem­ber of the Exec­u­tive Board of Ten­neT Hold­ing BV. Pri­or to that, he worked for Siemens AG for 22 years, sev­er­al of which were spent in Africa and Asia. Dr. Nico­las Maier-Scheubeck and Michael Rohde are look­ing for­ward to work­ing with their new col­league: “Wil­fried Breuer is a top exec­u­tive in inter­na­tion­al ener­gy tech­nol­o­gy. He is an expert who is high­ly regard­ed in net­work plan­ning and oper­a­tion, and in prod­uct and large-scale project busi­ness.”

Expanded Portfolio

At the begin­ning of the year, Maschi­nen­fab­rik Rein­hausen GmbH (MR) increased its share in CEDASPE—which is based in San Giu­liano Milanese—from 70 % to 100 % and took over the Ital­ian com­pa­ny ETI Elet­trindus­tria S.r.l., which is based in Cor­mano near Milan. These acqui­si­tions have added a new range of acces­sories for pow­er and dis­tri­b­u­tion trans­form­ers to the MR prod­uct port­fo­lio.

Peter Schötz (Head of Con­trol­ling Regions at MR), Kon­rad Oss­wald (Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Sales at MR), Ms. Patrizia and Mr. Gian­mar­co Ghi­ol­di (for­mer own­er of ETI).

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