Reinhausen Italia

MR has had a sub­sidiary in Italy since 1993, spe­cial­iz­ing in pro­vid­ing all-inclu­sive ser­vice for ener­gy providers and indus­tri­al cus­tomers.

In Via Alse­rio, nes­tled in the heart of Milan, Anto­nio Pasquarel­li dri­ves Rein­hausen Italia’s com­mer­cial oper­a­tions. The sub­sidiary was found­ed in the north­ern Ital­ian com­mer­cial metrop­o­lis 26 years ago. It was the first sub­sidiary in Europe and the fourth glob­al sub­sidiary, after Brazil, Aus­tralia, and the USA. “When we first start­ed, we only had five employ­ees; today we have 14 and our range of ser­vices has expand­ed sig­nif­i­cant­ly,” says man­ag­ing direc­tor Pasquarel­li.

Top-qual­i­ty ser­vice: In addi­tion to sell­ing MR prod­ucts, the sub­sidiary also offers an all-inclu­sive ser­vice across the whole of Italy. Stocked with spare parts, tools, and mea­sur­ing instru­ments, four VW bus­es and two trucks with cranes are at the dis­pos­al of the five ser­vice tech­ni­cians. (© Rein­hausen Italia)

ts cus­tomer base includes trans­former man­u­fac­tur­ers that export all over the world, ener­gy providers such as ENEL, ACEA, and ENI, and even house­hold names like Bar­il­la, Fin­cantieri, FCA and Fer­rari. Rein­hausen Italia is renowned for its com­pre­hen­sive range
of ser­vices with five ser­vice tech­ni­cians who are employed year-round to meet demand. “Every ser­vice tech­ni­cian trav­els to the train­ing cen­ter in Regens­burg for three weeks every year so that they can con­tin­ue to learn about and get cer­ti­fied for ser­vic­ing dif­fer­ent types of tap chang­ers,” observes Pasquarel­li.

The Full Package

he ser­vice fleet con­sists of four VW bus­es and two trucks with cranes, which are used to lift the tap chang­ers that need ser­vic­ing out of the trans­former. The vehi­cles also hold a vari­ety of mea­sur­ing equip­ment, main­te­nance equip­ment, and tools.

Since 2014, cus­tomers have been able to book a full ser­vice pack­age that only requires them to dis­con­nect the trans­former from the grid at a pre­arranged time—the Rein­hausen Italia tech­ni­cians take care of every­thing else. In addi­tion to per­form­ing full main­te­nance on tap chang­ers, they also deliv­er the oil, which is test­ed for PCB con­tent in accred­it­ed labor­atories. If it is free of PCB, the cus­tomer receives an offi­cial con­fir­ma­tion which is impor­tant for dis­pos­al pur­pos­es. “This all-inclu­sive ser­vice is well received by cus­tomers; we are booked out for almost the entire year,” says Pasquarel­li.

320.5 TWh

The scale of demand for elec­tri­cal ener­gy in Italy in 2017; 11.8 % of this was import­ed from abroad.

24 %

The pro­por­tion of total domes­tic elec­tric­i­ty pro­duc­tion in Italy that is pro­vid­ed by wind, bio­mass, and solar ener­gy.

53,000 Liters

The quan­ti­ty of min­er­al oil deliv­ered by the team to cus­tomers in 2018.

201,000 Kilometers

The dis­tance trav­eled by the five MR ser­vice tech­ni­cians in 2018. Each tech­ni­cian is on duty for approx­i­mate­ly 150 days per year.

219 Years Ago

This was when Alessan­dro Vol­ta (1745–1827), an Ital­ian physi­cist from Como, invent­ed the very first func­tion­ing battery—known as the volta­ic pile. He was one of the found­ing fathers of elec­tric­i­ty stud­ies, and the volt – the unit of elec­tri­cal poten­tial – is named after him.

60,000 Kilometers

The total length of cables cov­er­ing the Ital­ian high-volt­age net­work.

500 The total number of all-inclusive services

car­ried out by the Team since 2014.


Do you have any ques­tions about the range of ser­vices in Italy?
Anto­nio Pasquarel­li is here to help:

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