Trivia. Long Live the Expansion Bellow

Prod­ucts from Reinhausen’s sub­sidiary MESSKO® excel thanks to their excep­tion­al dura­bil­i­ty. These expan­sion bel­lows are
one such prod­uct. The com­po­nent is essen­tial to the func­tion of the MESSKO® BeTech ther­mome­ter — and there­fore also to the safe oper­a­tion of pow­er trans­form­ers. To reli­ably dis­play oil and wind­ing tem­per­a­tures, the ther­mome­ters also need to with­stand the most adverse weath­er con­di­tions. The expan­sion bel­lows are there­fore made from spe­cial brass which has excel­lent mechan­i­cal prop­er­ties and flex­ur­al fatigue strength as well as being resis­tant to cor­ro­sion. What’s more, before they are put into oper­a­tion, each and every one has to pass exten­sive over­pres­sure tests.

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