In a Flash. Peru, Here We Come!

Acon­tain­er is ready for ship­ping in the Port of Ham­burg. It is about to embark on a long jour­ney to deliv­er its con­tents — Rein­hausen Pow­er Qual­i­ty (PQ) equip­ment — to a cop­per mine in Peru. It will take around 30 days on a spe­cial ship before the con­tain­er reach­es the Peru­vian cap­i­tal of Lima. But the jour­ney does not end there.

Onboard a heavy-duty trans­port vehi­cle, the con­tain­er will cov­er anoth­er 150 kilo­me­ters on a moun­tain road from Lima to a con­struc­tion site sit­u­at­ed at an alti­tude of 4,800 meters in the Andes. Peru is one of the largest pro­duc­ers of cop­per in the world. This raw mate­r­i­al is in great demand in numer­ous indus­tri­al branch­es because it boasts out­stand­ing elec­tri­cal and ther­mal con­duc­tiv­i­ty prop­er­ties as well as good mal­leabil­i­ty.

To meet the grow­ing demand for the met­al, the mine oper­a­tor has expand­ed its pro­duc­tion capac­i­ties and invest­ed in two new mill dri­ves which usu­al­ly require large amounts of pow­er and can severe­ly dis­rupt both pow­er qual­i­ty and grid sta­bil­i­ty. This is not the case with PQ’s dynam­ic com­pen­sa­tion sys­tems which reg­u­late the reac­tive pow­er, reduce har­mon­ics, main­tain a sta­ble grid, and ensure reli­able pro­duc­tion.

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