
Dear Read­ers,

In recent months, the pan­dem­ic has changed the world and how we work more dras­ti­cal­ly than we could have imag­ined. I hope that every­thing is going well for you. Health and safe­ty have gained new impor­tance. This safe­ty also includes reli­able pow­er sup­ply glob­al­ly, which has to prove itself and work suc­cess­ful­ly espe­cial­ly when things are not going accord­ing to plan. Safe and reli­able pow­er sup­ply is the focus of the Rein­hausen Group.

In this edi­tion, we report on var­i­ous exam­ples of how we are sup­port­ing our cus­tomers over the entire eco­nom­ic life cycle of their equip­ment. This could be at an elec­tric arc fur­nace of a steel­works, where we help dig­i­tal­ize the process with our ETOS trans­former oper­at­ing sys­tem and thus ensure max­i­mum avail­abil­i­ty, or in mines in Peru, where we ensure volt­age sta­bil­i­ty through active Pow­er Qual­i­ty solu­tions.

In the US, we intro­duce our ser­vice heroes, who are pro­vid­ing a wide range of ser­vices. The tran­si­tion in elec­tri­cal pow­er gen­er­a­tion to more renew­able ener­gy and few­er large con­ven­tion­al pow­er plants with net­work-sta­bi­liz­ing rotat­ing mass­es means rad­i­cal change in our indus­try for grids in many coun­tries. The change to a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent pow­er plant and con­sumer land­scape is tak­ing place at the same time as ongo­ing pow­er sup­ply oper­a­tion, which we rely on every day.

We want the prod­ucts and ser­vices of the Rein­hausen Group to con­tin­ue to close­ly sup­port our cus­tomers dur­ing this trans­for­ma­tion. Keep us in mind and enjoy read­ing.

Kind regards Wil­fried Breuer

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