“Silicone Bushings last longer”

CEDASPE has devel­oped a new gen­er­a­tion of bush­ings for medi­um-volt­age appli­ca­tions to expand its prod­uct port­fo­lio: The “Sil­i­cone Com­pos­ite Bush­ing” (SBC) series. Cedaspe, the Milan-based com­pa­ny, has been a mem­ber of the Rein­hausen Group since 2016. Sales Direc­tor Nico­la Rampin remarks about the advan­tages of this new prod­uct.

Why did you develop the new SBC series?

Bush­ings are crit­i­cal trans­former com­po­nents. Tra­di­tion­al­ly, they are made of porce­lain and are there­fore frag­ile and can eas­i­ly break under mechan­i­cal or elec­tri­cal shocks. This leads to risk from porce­lain pro­jec­tiles as well as oil leak­age and con­se­quent­ly the poten­tial haz­ard of a trans­former fire. To pre­vent these con­se­quences, Cedaspe has devel­oped the sil­i­cone bush­ings. Sil­i­cone rub­ber does not break, the refore sil­i­cone bush­ings are safer than porce­lain.

How are these silicone bushings constructed?

The insu­la­tion body is made of a fiber­glass tube with an inte­grat­ed alu­minum clamp. Cedaspe molds the sil­i­cone shield­ing form using LSR technology—an injec­tion mold­ing tech­nol­o­gy. Cedaspe can also real­ize cus­tomiza­tions like longer stems for CT assem­bly and / or nitro­gen cush­ions on the oil side. All com­po­nents are man­u­fac­tured at Cedaspe’s plant in Milan.

What are the benefits of this new product series?

In addi­tion to imp roved safe­ty the sil­i­cone bush­ings do not require reg­u­lar main­te­nance like the con­ven­tion­al porce­lain insu­la­tors. Hy-dropho­bic prop­er­ties of the sil­i­cone rub­ber con­sid­er­ably reduce the need to clean the trans­former bush­ings. This is obvi­ous­ly a big advan­tage, par­tic­u­lar­ly in indus­tri­al appli­ca­tions where trans­form­ers are per­ma­nent­ly exposed to pol­lu­tion dusts, since porce­lain bush­ings often need wash­ing under such con­di­tions.

Can silicone bushings also be retrofitted?

Yes, of course. Sil­i­cone bush­ing are ful­ly inter­change­able with EN and DIN stan­dards and per­fect­ly suit any retro­fitting. No adjust­ments and no work to the trans­former are need­ed. Sil­i­cone bush­ings are also sig­nif­i­cant­ly lighter, and there­fore eas­i­er to install.

For which applications are the silicone bushings designed?

The sil­i­cone bush­ings are suit­able for small and medi­um-pow­er trans­form­ers with rat­ed volt­ages of 12 kV, 24 kV, 36 kV and 52 KV and rat­ed cur­rents of 630 A, 1250 A, 2000 A, 3150 A and 4500 A. Designs for dis­tri­b­u­tion trans­former appli­ca­tions will be avail­able soon.


For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it: www.cedaspe.com

Do you have ques­tions about sil­i­cone bush­ings?
Nico­la Rampin is here to help:

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