“We offer insulators for every specification”

Mar­cus Hart­mann, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of Rein­hausen Pow­er Com­pos­ites France, on the new site in Cus­set, the advan­tages for cus­tomers, and his plans for the future.

Since June 2017, Reinhausen Power Composites has had a new site in the French commune of Cusset. How does this benefit customers?

Mar­cus Hart­mann, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of Rein­hausen Pow­er Com­pos­ites France

The acqui­si­tion was a strate­gic deci­sion. The new site rounds off our port­fo­lio and makes us the only man­u­fac­tur­er in the world that can offer insu­la­tors in all spec­i­fi­ca­tions to our cus­tomers. Our range extends from small insu­la­tors right up to huge ultra-high-volt­age insu­la­tors. This is pos­si­ble because we man­u­fac­ture shield­ings in Cus­set using the HTV extru­sion process, thus com­ple­ment­ing the prod­ucts from Regens­burg which are pro­duced using the LSR process. We can there­fore offer cus­tomers the best solu­tion for their indi­vid­ual needs, regard­less of the tech­nol­o­gy required.

What changes have you made in Cusset and what are your plans for the future?

We have acquired two sites in France and one in the USA, and we are cur­rent­ly con­sol­i­dat­ing these facil­i­ties here in Cus­set. This involves mod­ern­iz­ing our pro­duc­tion equip­ment, and con­vert­ing and expand­ing build­ings in Cus­set. We have also rearranged the orga­ni­za­tion and are align­ing var­i­ous process­es. Our aim is to group togeth­er all our experts in the HTV process here in one loca­tion so that they will be able to make a fan­tas­tic prod­uct. We have pro­vid­ed the right con­di­tions for doing just that. The almost 70 employ­ees are extreme­ly moti­vat­ed and boast an exten­sive lev­el of exper­tise.

What does this acquisition mean for the site in Regensburg?

We want to see both sites mov­ing for­ward steadi­ly. There­fore, we are con­tin­u­al­ly mak­ing improve­ments in Regens­burg as well, to ensure that we can con­tin­ue to offer the best qual­i­ty to our cus­tomers in the future I am con­fi­dent that we will be able to ben­e­fit huge­ly from the inter­ac­tion between the sites in this process. Sales and tech­nol­o­gy are man­aged from Regens­burg. This ensures that the cus­tomer has a con­tact who can offer the best pos­si­ble advice.

About Marcus Hartmann

Mar­cus Hart­mann has been work­ing with insu­la­tors for 25 years. For the major­i­ty of this time, he worked as a con­sul­tant with his own sales agency. At Rein­hausen Pow­er Com­pos­ites, Hart­mann is respon­si­ble for the Busi­ness Devel­op­ment and Mar­ket­ing depart­ments and is Man­ag­ing Direc­tor at Rein­hausen Pow­er Com­pos­ites France.

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