It works. Leak Testing Without Equal.

The stan­dard says that an insu­la­tor test­ed at 10–1 mbar*l/sec is con­sid­ered to be tight. But Rein­hausen says that tighter is always bet­ter.

Here, a ReCoTec® com­pos­ite hol­low insu­la­tor, built by Rein­hausen Pow­er Com­pos­ites and mea­sur­ing five meters in length, is being held in place by the Pega­sus 5000 test sys­tem. No two jobs that the sys­tem han­dles are ever the same, but it always knows exact­ly which para­me­ters the customer’s equip­ment needs to abide by. When the rolling shut­ter clos­es, the sys­tem is ready is to start test­ing the insu­la­tor, which will be required to with­stand excep­tion­al­ly high lev­els of bend­ing and com­pres­sive force while remain­ing total­ly leak-tight. Dur­ing the Heli­um cham­ber test, the Pega­sus 5000 is able to sniff out even a sin­gle mol­e­cule of escap­ing gas — so not even the tini­est leak will get past it. Not only that, but it is hun­dreds of times more accu­rate than the stan­dard requires it to be.

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