Everything at a Glance with one Click

With the myRein­hausen cus­tomer plat­form, MR has cre­at­ed an even bet­ter cus­tomer expe­ri­ence and extend­ed the phys­i­cal cus­tomer rela­tion­ship to the dig­i­tal world.

Although the prod­ucts of MR’s port­fo­lio are essen­tial for trans­form­ers, cus­tomers do not focus on MR prod­ucts, but rather on their own projects and trans­form­ers. An intu­itive plat­form must there­fore rep­re­sent the cus­tomers’ log­ic.

myRein­hausen helps cus­tomers orga­nize MR com­po­nents and enables cen­tral­ly man­aged infor­ma­tion. It also offers rec­om­men­da­tions for action and pro­vides a direct line to MR experts when need­ed. The main goal of myRein­hausen is to sim­pli­fy and dig­i­tal­ize cus­tomer process­es in the con­text of the MR port­fo­lio along the entire life cycle.

Central Organization

With myE­quip­ment, our cus­tomers have an overview of which MR com­po­nents are installed in which of their trans­form­ers and at which loca­tions. Cus­tomers can down­load a soft­ware update, access an indi­vid­ual oper­at­ing man­u­al, request a ser­vice and much more on a com­po­nent-by-com­po­nent basis and in the con­text of their trans­form­ers.

Intelligent Recommendations

Thanks to myRein­hausen, our cus­tomers will no longer have to think about need­ed main­te­nance and nec­es­sary soft­ware updates them­selves. In myE­quip­ment, we proac­tive­ly com­mu­ni­cate for which of their on-load tap-chang­ers main­te­nance is due and for which of their ETOS® and ISM® devices soft­ware updates are avail­able. Cus­tomers can then down­load updates direct­ly using mySelf­Ser­vices, or request rec­om­mend­ed main­te­nance via mySer­vices.

“Our expe­ri­ence has been incred­i­ble so far. The por­tal enables myself and team to have a cen­tral­ized loca­tion for records keep­ing and main­te­nance needs. There was a strong focus on mak­ing a customer’s life easy. As a man­ag­er, it enables me to have a 30,000-foot view of my assets with one click of the but­ton. One of the best fea­tures is being able to pull up the his­to­ry of a spe­cif­ic device and it’s prints. Hav­ing all of that at your fin­ger­tips real­ly enables effi­cien­cy and ease of trou­bleshoot­ing.”

Jason Keenan, Melt Shop Elec­tri­cal Super­vi­sor at COMMERCIAL METALS COMPANY 

Complete Documentation

Incom­plete and unclear doc­u­men­ta­tion is a thing of the past. Via myOrders, our OEM cus­tomers can view and man­age all doc­u­ments relat­ing to their offers and orders. Our oper­a­tor cus­tomers can access the tech­ni­cal doc­u­ments for their installed MR com­po­nents via myLi­brary. Their own files can also be uploaded here and assigned to the rel­e­vant loca­tions, trans­form­ers and com­po­nents.

Intuitive Requests

In mySer­vices, our cus­tomers not only get a com­pre­hen­sive insight into select­ed ser­vices such as OLTC ser­vice or TESSA® FLEETSCAN 2D, but can also request ser­vices in a tar­get­ed and intu­itive man­ner. In addi­tion, with ECOSENSE® we are also offer­ing our first prod­uct online.

Direct Support

With myDig­i­ta­lAs­sis­tant we offer our cus­tomers a sim­ple com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nel that is avail­able at any time for any ques­tions. Fre­quent con­cerns are answered direct­ly by our arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence. Indi­vid­ual enquiries are han­dled with­in busi­ness hours by our inter­nal Cus­tomer Sup­port Man­ag­er or for­ward­ed to an MR expert.

The direct link to us

Do you want to find out more about the dig­i­tal cus­tomer plat­form? Or reg­is­ter right away? You are only one click away:

myRein­hausen — The dig­i­tal gate to your MR data


Do you have ques­tions about myRein­hausen?
Dominik Feuer­er is there for you:


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