Reason for hope

The chal­lenges for a liv­able future are huge, but it doesn’t just come down to indi­vid­ual big mea­sures. Every con­tri­bu­tion counts, because tak­en togeth­er, even seem­ing­ly small inno­va­tions can achieve incred­i­ble results or lay the foun­da­tion for the next tech­nol­o­gy.

That’s why we’re look­ing eager­ly to Switzer­land where — in a pilot project — ten kilo­me­ters of the rail sys­tem in the can­ton of Neuchâ­tel will be equipped with solar pan­els by 2024. The pan­els, made by the start-up Sun­ways, are designed so that they can be eas­i­ly removed and rein­stalled when main­te­nance is required. What’s more, the solar pan­els are to be installed auto­mat­i­cal­ly by means of a spe­cial hoist. So much solar pow­er could require a reg­u­lat­ed trans­former — the eas­i­est exer­cise for our ECOTAP®:

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