
Dear Read­ers,

Once again, even I am sur­prised by the wide vari­ety of top­ics from our com­pa­ny, and you can see in this issue that our activ­i­ties are increas­ing­ly being moti­vat­ed by sustainability—be it stricter grid con­nec­tion reg­u­la­tions in Mex­i­co call­ing for com­pli­ance with reac­tive pow­er bal­ances and grid oper­a­tion with an increas­ing share of renew­able ener­gies, or the grow­ing demand for alter­na­tive insu­lat­ing flu­ids for oper­at­ing trans­form­ers and tap chang­ers.

A con­tri­bu­tion from our sub­sidiary High­volt focus­es on the sup­ply of cable test­ing tech­nol­o­gy for a rev­o­lu­tion­ary project to trans­mit sus­tain­ably
gen­er­at­ed elec­tric­i­ty from Moroc­co to Great Britain via a 3,800-kilometer under­sea cable link.

The long ser­vice life of oper­at­ing equip­ment and the effi­cien­cy of main­te­nance and repair activ­i­ties are also impor­tant fac­tors that con­tribute to sus­tain­abil­i­ty. TESSA Asset Per­for­mance Man­age­ment helps oper­a­tors world­wide to opti­mize these aspects even fur­ther.

More and more, dig­i­tal­iza­tion is bring­ing ben­e­fits for oper­a­tors as well as the envi­ron­ment. When a spe­cial­ist can remote­ly per­form diag­nos­tic activ­ities thanks to pre-installed intel­li­gence and sen­sor tech­nol­o­gy on trans­formers, this increas­es response times while at the same time reduc­ing costs. Our ser­vice team in Thai­land is also pro­vid­ing the nec­es­sary pre­req­ui­sites in this regard.

I’d like to con­clude my fore­word by high­light­ing the con­tribut­ing arti­cle on rail­way trans­form­ers. Rail­roads with their tech­nol­o­gy have fas­ci­nat­ed me ever since I was very young and are most like­ly what led me to study elec­tri­cal engi­neer­ing. It is amaz­ing what such com­pact and pow­er­ful equip­ment has to with­stand in the form of shocks, vibra­tions and sig­nif­i­cant tem­per­a­ture dif­fer­ences while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly pro­vid­ing high­ly reli­able ser­vice over long peri­ods of oper­a­tion with­out redun­dan­cy. Just like our “Rein­hausen.”

Stay tuned for more. I would be delight­ed to wel­come you in per­son at the upcom­ing Cigre Ses­sion in Paris.

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