Making Highvoltage Mobile

Why spend time and mon­ey dis­man­tling a pow­er trans­former for a high volt­age test when you could per­form the test at the site? Now, there’s no rea­son to. In the south­ern regions of Africa, the continent’s first test­ing truck is now oper­a­tional.

Savan­nahs, pow­er­ful rivers, migrat­ing herds of ani­mals – pow­er trans­form­ers. The south­ern regions of Africa owe their mass dis­tri­b­u­tion of pow­er to efforts made in the late 1960s and ear­ly 1970s. Cor­re­spond­ing­ly, trans­form­ers at hydro­elec­tric pow­er sta­tions and extreme­ly long over­head pow­er lines also orig­i­nat­ed dur­ing this time and have there­fore now been in use for 40 to 50 years.

As Kobus de Vil­liers, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor at Rein­hausen South Africa, says, “We believe that the num­ber of pow­er trans­form­ers across Afric­as south­ern regions that will need over­haul­ing will increase enor­mous­ly.” The oper­a­tors are there­fore faced with a huge logis­ti­cal prob­lem: Coun­tries like Namib­ia, South Africa, and Botswana have decent infra­struc­tures, but very few instal­la­tions where the work can be under­tak­en. The trans­port routes are there­fore long. “And in Zim­bab­we, Zam­bia, and Mozam­bique, trans­port­ing trans­form­ers is a logis­ti­cal night­mare. Many pri­ma­ry sub­sta­tions are almost inac­ces­si­ble.”

There are also very few roads that are in an accept­able con­di­tion. The riv­er routes through which the trans­form­ers were once shipped are large­ly obstruct­ed by dams today. And if there are bridges, they are often not designed to with­stand those kinds of loads. “This means we have to take ridicu­lous detours. So, I asked myself: Wouldit not make much more sense to per­form the high volt­age tests on site?” says de Vil­liers.

“The mobile high volt­age tests allow us to cre­ate a more reli­able net­work.”Nico de Jager, City Pow­er Johan­nes­burg

Gün­ter Panz­er from Rein­hausen Ger­many intro­duced de Vil­liers to Ralf Bergmann, CEO of HIGHVOLT – a long-estab­lished com­pa­ny that is part of the Rein­hausen group and spe­cial­izes in high volt­age mea­sure­ment and test­ing. The three men met to dis­cuss pos­si­ble mobile test solu­tions. With this meet­ing in mind, de Vil­liers then picked up the phone and placed a call to Dres­den.

Kobus de Vil­liers brought the test­ing truck to Africa. He cer­tain­ly can­not com­plain about a lack of orders com­ing in. (© Craig Mannheim)

After main­te­nance, an error mes­sage or com­mis­sion­ing of a pow­er trans­former, the truck-based team moves in and makes sure that every­thing is work­ing 100 per cent as it should. (© Craig Mannheim)

Set­ting up for the test in Johan­nes­burg: The pow­er trans­former is only dis­man­tled if the test iden­ti­fies a fault, thus sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduc­ing costs for oper­a­tors. (© Craig Mannheim)


On the receiv­ing end of de Vil­liers’ phone call was Mario Jochim at HIGHVOLT. For a num­ber of years now, HIGHVOLT has been con­struct­ing trucks with inte­grat­ed test­ing tech­nol­o­gy and sta­t­ic fre­quen­cy con­vert­ers – equip­ment which can be used to con­duct induced volt­age tests or no-load loss mea­sure­ments in the field, to name a cou­ple of exam­ples. Nor­mal­ly, oblig­a­tory tests of this kind require dis­man­tling the entire pow­er trans­former, remov­ing the oil and trans­port­ing the trans­former to a facil­i­ty for test­ing, before bring­ing it back, replac­ing the oil, and recon­nect­ing the equip­ment.

“If a trans­former can’t come to the test facil­i­ty, the test facil­i­ty goes to the trans­former.”Kobus de Vil­liers, MR South Africa

As Jochim explains: “This involves a lot of time and huge finan­cial out­lay, both of which can usu­al­ly be avoid­ed by using a mobile test­ing sta­tion.” Test­ing trucks are the per­fect solu­tion for south­ern Africa – and to date there has been noth­ing in the wider area to pro­vide this ser­vice. On de Vil­liers’ order, two mobile sta­tions were brought in – one for alter­nat­ing cur­rent, the oth­er for direct cur­rent – and Rein­hausen set to work.


After a few ini­tial deploy­ments in the Johan­nes­burg area, the trucks will soon make their way to oth­er coun­tries in the region with ten Rein­hausen experts on board. As de Vil­liers puts it: “They will main­ly be used for stan­dard high volt­age tests at pow­er trans­form­ers, which need to be car­ried out when a fault has been report­ed, after main­te­nance has tak­en place, or before com­mis­sion­ing.” Now, trans­form­ers will only be dis­man­tled and shipped off to a trans­former facil­i­ty if they actu­al­ly show signs of a defect – not as stan­dard prac­tice.


1. Induced volt­age test

  • Wind­ing insu­la­tion test (in sin­gle-phase and three-phase trans­form­ers)
  • Insu­la­tion test
  • Par­tial-dis­charge test

2. No-load loss mea­sure­ment
3. Load loss mea­sure­ment
4. Applied volt­age test

“In this way, we can help our cus­tomers real­ize huge cost sav­ings.” City Pow­er, the util­i­ty provider for Johan­nes­burg that had Africa’s first mobile high volt­age test per­formed, is one exam­ple of where these sav­ings could arise. Nico De Jager, a city coun­cilor respon­si­ble for infra­struc­ture, is excit­ed about the con­cept: “These mobile high volt­age tests are an extreme­ly cost-effec­tive solu­tion for us. As we can car­ry out appro­pri­ate diag­nos­tics analy­ses based on the data they pro­vide, they also allow us to make more informed deci­sions about the main­te­nance and repair work nec­es­sary for our high volt­age trans­form­ers. This means we can deliv­er a more reli­able sup­ply of pow­er.”

Even the very first deploy­ment of one of the test­ing trucks in Johan­nes­burg attest­ed to this. A fault was report­ed in the net­work, but it was unclear whether a pow­er trans­former was the cause of it. The Rein­hausen truck swung into action and, after just a few days, dis­cov­ered that the trans­former was com­plete­ly intact – so the fault was locat­ed else­where. As de Vil­liers says: “Nor­mal­ly, the trans­former would have had to be dis­man­tled and test­ed at a facil­i­ty – mean­ing months’ worth of down­time. City Pow­er would have had to spend in the region of 13 mil­lion rand just to find out that every­thing was okay. Our mobile mea­sure­ment solu­tion cost a frac­tion of that.”


Would you like to book the test­ing truck in Africa?
Kobus de Vil­liers is ready to take your requests:

Do you have ques­tions about the test­ing tech­nol­o­gy of HIGHVOLT?
Dr. Mario Jochim would be hap­py to guide you fur­ther:

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