In a Flash. Clean ports

Contain­er ships and cruise lin­ers demand some­where in the range of 3 to 16 megawatts of elec­tric­i­ty. That is eas­i­ly enough for a small town. In most of the world’s ports, the diesel engines even run when the ship is at anchor, since the crew, guests and, of course, the equip­ment still need elec­tric­i­ty. This puts a major strain on port cities, how­ev­er, because the air qual­i­ty suf­fers great­ly from the exhaust fumes.

There­fore, the ports of Ham­burg and Kiel (pic­tured) are among the first in the world that are turn­ing to shore pow­er sup­ply. But it is not enough to plug the ship in and turn the diesel engine off. Ship and shore pow­er grids use dif­fer­ent volt­ages and fre­quen­cies. There­fore, fre­quen­cy con­vert­ers and match­ing trans­form­ers are nec­es­sary. Active and pas­sive GRIDCON® har­mon­ic fil­ters from Rein­hausen are used to ensure that there is no imper­mis­si­ble grid feed­back into pub­lic dis­tri­b­u­tion grids via the grid con­nec­tion. They keep the shore grid clean, while indi­rect­ly keep­ing the air clean as well.

More information on the filter solutions:

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