Our H2 Solutions

From plan­ning to imple­men­ta­tion, MR offers solu­tions for the entire pow­er sup­ply process of elec­trol­y­sis sys­tems, mak­ing them more effi­cient and durable.

Reactive power correction. Optimization of the compensation system

Four steps to an efficient H2 system


MR has many years of con­sult­ing exper­tise in the devel­op­ment of com­pen­sa­tion and fil­ter solu­tions as well as on-load tap-chang­ers for ener­gy-inten­sive indus­tries.


In close coop­er­a­tion with EPCs, MR experts sup­port project devel­op­ment and fea­si­bil­i­ty stud­ies with their exper­tise.

System design

MR experts cre­ate the sys­tem design from an opti­mized trans­former design includ­ing vac­u­um on-load tap-chang­er, rec­ti­fi­er and an opti­mized pow­er qual­i­ty sys­tem.


MR works with select­ed sup­pli­ers and takes care of both deliv­ery and instal­la­tion on site.

The most important advantages


less reac­tive pow­er

Longer service life

of the H2 sys­tems


low­er invest­ment in
har­mon­ic fil­ters

Optimal design

thanks to a com­pre­hen­sive con­sult­ing approach

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