Expert Training for Professionals

For 40 years, MR employ­ees and cus­tomers have been learn­ing about on-load tap-chang­ers and relat­ed com­po­nents in the train­ing cen­ter in Regens­burg. ONLOAD went along to a train­ing ses­sion for tech­ni­cians from Lech­w­erke AG.

In the the­o­ret­i­cal part of the course, train­er Daniel Müller teach­es the par­tic­i­pants the key elec­tri­cal and mechan­i­cal prin­ci­ples of on-load tap-chang­ers. (© Armin Weigel)

If the divert­er switch insert needs main­tain­ing or replac­ing, it has to be removed from the trans­former and rein­stalled again lat­er. The par­tic­i­pants prac­tice this process with the train­er. (© Armin Weigel)

The tran­si­tion resis­tances are extreme­ly impor­tant to ensure prop­er divert­er switch­ing. The par­tic­i­pants learn how to mea­sure these resis­tances cor­rect­ly with a mul­ti­me­ter as part of the train­ing. (© Armin Weigel)

At this work­bench, par­tic­i­pants can par­tial­ly dis­man­tle the divert­er switch insert and scru­ti­nize the parts close­ly. This allows them to famil­iar­ize them­selves with the com­po­nents and find out how they are assem­bled. (© Armin Weigel)

The motor-dri­ve unit actu­ates the on-load tap-chang­er via the dri­ve shaft. The par­tic­i­pants are par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ed in the syn­chro­niza­tion of the on-load tap-chang­er with the motor-dri­ve unit and the mechan­i­cal and elec­tri­cal con­nec­tions, includ­ing error sim­u­la­tion and trou­bleshoot­ing. (© Armin Weigel)

Five facts about the Training center:

170 nation­al­i­ties
have vis­it­ed the cen­ter to date.

7 expe­ri­enced train­ers
lead the ses­sions.

14,000 spe­cial­ists
have attend­ed train­ing ses­sions to date.

300 dif­fer­ent MR prod­ucts
are avail­able in the train­ing rooms.

40 years
of train­ing have been offered in the train­ing cen­ter so far.

More information on our training:

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