The Future is Now

When a trans­former is already such a mature piece of tech­nol­o­gy, how can it be devel­oped fur­ther for the future? Com­po­nent sup­pli­ers and part­ners from the world of sci­ence explored this ques­tion in the Trans­former 2020 tech­nol­o­gy study. The project was pre­sent­ed to the field in 2015. This overview explains which inno­va­tions from Maschi­nen­fab­rik Rein­hausen (MR) have already become a real­i­ty.


The TAPMOTION® TD ISM® com­bines an inno­v­a­tive dri­ve solu­tion for tap chang­ers with inte­grat­ed mon­i­tor­ing. The motor, which is mount­ed direct­ly on the tap-chang­er cov­er, pro­vides the dri­ve ener­gy pre­cise­ly where it is need­ed. The com­mands are trans­ferred direct­ly via a cable connection—so there is no need for a dri­ve shaft con­nec­tion.

The inte­grat­ed mon­i­tor­ing is made pos­si­ble by the ISM® elec­tron­ic automa­tion plat­form (Inte­grat­ed Smart Mod­ule). This plat­form ensures that all rel­e­vant oper­at­ing data for the pow­er trans­former is record­ed and ana­lyzed reli­ably

Find out more about the TAPMOTION® TD ISM®


About 17 per­cent of major trans­former fail­ures can be traced to defec­tive bush­ings. This is rea­son enough to address this issue. The MSENSE® BM is an online mon­i­tor­ing sys­tem which mon­i­tors the sta­tus of the bush­ings on a per­ma­nent basis. An inno­v­a­tive algo­rithm com­pares the capac­i­ty and the loss fac­tor of the bush­ings and pro­vides a reli­able and clear eval­u­a­tion of their con­di­tion – regard­less of net­work asym­me­tries or fluc­tu­a­tions in volt­age. In the event of devi­a­tions, the user is alert­ed by means of a two-stage lim­it-val­ue process. MSENSE® BM is also based on the ISM® automa­tion plat­form.


ISM® tech­nol­o­gy is the stan­dard­ized hard­ware and soft­ware basis used for all automa­tion solu­tions. The sys­tem is designed to meet the spe­cial require­ments of ener­gy tech­nol­o­gy with regard to reli­a­bil­i­ty, robust­ness, and dura­bil­i­ty. ISM® tech­nol­o­gy was designed to be open and flex­i­ble, there­by sup­port­ing both the use of stan­dard prod­ucts as well as the imple­men­ta­tion of indi­vid­ual require­ments in trans­former sub­sta­tion automa­tion.


The TESSA® fleet mon­i­tor­ing sys­tem makes use of the data obtained via the ISM® automa­tion plat­form. It mon­i­tors the con­nect­ed trans­form­ers and equip­ment in real time and visu­al­izes all rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion – whether is for a sin­gle trans­former or an entire fleet. This enables cus­tomers to car­ry out ser­vice and main­te­nance tasks based on spe­cif­ic infor­ma­tion and sta­tus­es, iden­ti­fy crit­i­cal trends at an ear­ly stage, and max­i­mize oper­a­tional reli­a­bil­i­ty. This in turn increas­es the equip­ment ser­vice life and reduces life cycle costs.

Find out more about the TESSA® fleet mon­i­tor­ing sys­tem

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