The right setting

The HIGHVOLT cal­i­bra­tion lab in Dres­den offers cus­tomers an all-inclu­sive pack­age for high-volt­age com­po­nents.

In high-volt­age sys­tems, mea­sure­ment instru­ments and sys­tems ensure con­trolled, safe oper­a­tion. That makes it all the more crit­i­cal that they reli­ably deliv­er cor­rect infor­ma­tion. For exam­ple, if a mea­sur­ing device indi­cates 1 mega­volt (MV) when 1.2 MV is actu­al­ly present, this can have cost­ly con­se­quences — com­po­nents may be destroyed by exces­sive volt­age or the pow­er sup­ply may even be dis­rupt­ed.

“We offer a large port­fo­lio for cal­i­brat­ing sys­tems for high volt­age and high cur­rent.”Mar­co Schäfer, HIGHVOLT

Since inac­cu­ra­cies sneak into even the best mea­sure­ment tech­nol­o­gy over time, the glob­al IEC stan­dard spec­i­fies that reg­u­lar recal­i­bra­tions are required. But not every­one is per­mit­ted to per­form these. Only accred­it­ed labs are allowed to per­form trace­able recal­i­bra­tion ser­vices in accor­dance with the IEC stan­dard.

The cal­i­bra­tion lab in Dres­den ensures reli­able mea­sur­ing devices around the world.

The HIGHVOLT cal­i­bra­tion lab has been accred­it­ed since 1999. It is head­ed by Mar­co Schäfer, who works with his team to ensure that cus­tomers all over the world can rely on their mea­sure­ments. “We offer a large port­fo­lio for cal­i­brat­ing sys­tems for high volt­age and high cur­rent,” he says. “Here, AC volt­age, DC volt­age and impulse volt­age are used.” The lab is equipped with spe­cial equip­ment for this pur­pose that sup­plies the ref­er­ence val­ues.

Calibration labservices

  • Sys­tem cal­i­bra­tion of high-volt­age and high-cur­rent mea­sure­ment sys­tems
  • Cal­i­bra­tion of high-volt­age com­po­nents, such as com­pressed gas capac­i­tors
  • Cal­i­bra­tion of capac­i­tance bridges
  • Con­trol mea­sure­ments of mea­sure­ment sys­tems and instru­ments (per­for­mance check)

It is not only mea­sur­ing devices and mea­sure­ment sys­tems pro­duced in-house that are cal­i­brat­ed on the HIGHVOLT premis­es, but also those of oth­er man­u­fac­tur­ers, since all cal­i­bra­tion labs must func­tion inde­pen­dent­ly. The dura­tion of cal­i­bra­tions varies wide­ly. “De pend­ing on the nom­i­nal volt­age of the cal­i­bra­tion object, a cal­i­bra­tion can take a few hours, or even a few days,” explains Schäfer.

Globally Active

While HIGHVOLT engi­neers do per­form ser­vice in Dres­den, many cal­i­bra­tions actu­al­ly take place right on the cus­tomer’s premis­es because cal­i­bra­tion objects are often too large and heavy to make trans­port cost­ef­fec­tive, and down­times should be kept as low as pos­si­ble. If cus­tomers are locat­ed in Europe, experts trav­el to them in a van. For cus­tomers who are far­ther away, such as in Japan, a ref­er­ence sys­tem is sent. Due to the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic, the cal­i­bra­tion experts had to halt their trav­el some­what, but the demand for the ser­vice remains high. “We actu­al­ly still have full order books.”


Would you like to book cal­i­bra­tion ser­vice?
Mar­co Schäfer would be glad to answer your ques­tions:

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