Toward a Digital Transformer

Rein­hausen offers the tech­nol­o­gy need­ed to dig­i­tal­ize your trans­form­ers and gives guid­ance to cus­tomers through­out the entire­ty of their dig­i­tal­iza­tion projects.


The first step is for our experts to con­duct an ini­tial assess­ment of the site and gauge the con­di­tion of the pow­er trans­form­ers. In doing so, they check which sen­sors are already fit­ted and what kind of upgrades can be installed. The exist­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion equip­ment, inter­faces and con­trol sys­tems are also ana­lyzed in the inspec­tion.


After ini­tial assess­ment of the exist­ing infra­struc­ture, we devel­op an automa­tion sys­tem which is tai­lored to the customer’s spe­cif­ic require­ments. We then pro­vide advice on how to con­trol and mon­i­tor the trans­former.


Once the con­cept is com­plete­ly devel­oped, the imple­men­ta­tion stage begins. If new sen­sors are need­ed, our engi­neers install them on site, after which the mon­i­tor­ing sys­tems are con­fig­ured and installed.


In the next stage, we pro­vide sup­port for com­mis­sion­ing. Our experts inspect the installed mon­i­tor­ing sys­tems and the data trans­mis­sion from the sen­sors. Then the mon­i­tor­ing sys­tem is con­nect­ed to the con­trol sys­tems and the oper­at­ing per­son­nel are giv­en the nec­es­sary train­ing.


Even after com­mis­sion­ing, we are avail­able for help and advice; for exam­ple in regard to equip­ment assess­ment or the inte­gra­tion of addi­tion­al data sources. In addi­tion, we pro­vide sup­port for poten­tial soft­ware updates and for new func­tions.


Would you like to know more about the dig­i­tal­iza­tion of trans­form­ers?
Tobias Gru­ber is hap­py to advise you fur­ther:

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