Trivia. Smart Box

The intel­li­gence that every dig­i­tal­ized trans­former pos­sess­es is housed in a small, unas­sum­ing box—the cen­tral pro­cess­ing unit (CPU) of the Inte­grat­ed Smart Mod­ule (ISM). It’s the beat­ing heart of our automa­tion solu­tion for pow­er trans­form­ers. This box is the point of con­ver­gence for all of the sig­nals that are mea­sured by sen­sors at key points—such as the on-load tap-chang­er, bush­ings, or cool­ing system—and are required for mon­i­tor­ing and con­trol.

The CPU box is per­fect for meet­ing the spe­cial require­ments of ener­gy tech­nol­o­gy with regard to reli­a­bil­i­ty, robust­ness, and dura­bil­i­ty.

Spe­cial soft­ware pro­grammed by our in-house spe­cial­ists eval­u­ates the data that is obtained from this process. The soft­ware con­tains all the exper­tise on trans­form­ers that MR has built up over the decades, and was devel­oped in close part­ner­ship with our cus­tomers as well as test­ed in prac­ti­cal sce­nar­ios. It con­tains func­tions rang­ing from straight­for­ward lim­it val­ue monitoring—which sig­nals exces­sive­ly high tem­per­a­ture val­ues, for instance—to elab­o­rate cal­cu­la­tion oper­a­tions involv­ing com­plex algo­rithms that make it pos­si­ble to deter­mine fac­tors such as poten­tial over­load capa­bil­i­ty.

The inte­grat­ed web serv­er allows mea­sured val­ues and sta­tus data, plus inter­pre­ta­tions of this infor­ma­tion, to be visu­al­ized using any stan­dard brows­er. In prin­ci­ple, this means that users can mon­i­tor the sta­tus of their trans­form­ers from anywhere—at the trans­form­ers them­selves, on a con­trol cen­ter PC, on a note­book or tablet on the go, and, depend­ing on the net­work con­fig­u­ra­tion, even from any smart­phone. Our com­po­nents com­ply with the lat­est IT secu­ri­ty stan­dards, deliv­er­ing the very best per­for­mance in this area. A range of inter­faces, includ­ing Eth­er­net, USB, and CAN, also en sures that the equip­ment is com­pat­i­ble with all cur­rent com­mu­ni­ca­tion inter­face options.

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MR® Monitoring System

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