Modern oil level measurement 

The MESSKO® MTO oil lev­el indi­ca­tors are not only avail­able in numer­ous vari­ants, they can also be dig­i­tized, and they have now been installed at the Kor­bach sub­sta­tion.

The ener­gy tran­si­tion is also leav­ing its mark on medi­um and low volt­age grid oper­a­tors, mak­ing mod­ern­iza­tion imper­a­tive. The oper­a­tor Energie Waldeck-Franken­berg GmbH (EWF) is demon­strat­ing at its Kor­bach sub­sta­tion how a great deal can be achieved using tar­get­ed mea­sures. 

The TESSA® FLEETSCAN 2D dig­i­tal con­sult­ing approach has already been estab­lished there, and sen­sors such as tem­per­a­ture indi­ca­tors and the main­te­nance-free dehy­drat­ing breather MESSKO® MTRAB® have been installed. “I’ve known MR for decades. They are a reli­able part­ner that we enjoy work­ing with,” says Armin Engel­hardt, Head of Pur­chas­ing at EWF. This time, MTO oil lev­el indi­ca­tors have been installed to replace the pre­vi­ous indi­ca­tors. 

Energie Waldeck-Franken­berg GmbH has already car­ried out sev­er­al mod­erni­sa­tion mea­sures at the Kor­bach sub­sta­tion.

The MR employ­ees pre­pare every­thing for the replace­ment of the new MTO oil lev­el indi­ca­tor.

Just a few sim­ple steps …

… and the old oil lev­el indi­ca­tor is removed.

Only minor adjust­ments are required to fit the new MTO oil lev­el indi­ca­tor.

Installed! The new MTO oil lev­el indi­ca­tor can also trans­mit oil data dig­i­tal­ly.

The MTO series is avail­able with var­i­ous fea­tures such as option­al switch­ing con­tacts, two dif­fer­ent types of float dri­ve (radi­al or axi­al), up to three microswitch­es, and four addi­tion­al relays. Its most impor­tant high­light: the ana­log and dig­i­tal remote trans­mis­sion of the oil lev­el to con­trol cab­i­nets, mon­i­tor­ing sys­tems such as ETOS® or the con­trol room. 

Kor­bach is thus equipped for the grad­ual dig­i­tal­iza­tion of exist­ing assets as well, there­by extend­ing the ser­vice life of its trans­form­ers. 

Small indicator for big tasks  

The oil lev­el indi­ca­tors of the MESSKO® MTO series are mea­sur­ing devices with or with­out switch­ing con­tacts. They are espe­cial­ly well suit­ed for fill lev­el mea­sure­ments in trans­former oil con­ser­va­tors. In Kor­bach, they com­ple­ment the exist­ing mod­erni­sa­tion mea­sures.

More Infor­ma­tions about the MTO series you can find here.

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