The moving transformer

A trac­tion trans­former is cru­cial to the oper­a­tion of a train.
It ensures that the dri­ve, brakes and oth­er impor­tant elec­tron­ic com­po­nents receive reli­able pow­er and oper­ate effi­cient­ly.

Rail net­works world­wide are usu­al­ly oper­at­ed with 15 or 25 kilo­volts of
alter­nat­ing cur­rent. Depend­ing on the trans­former, these are con­vert­ed into an appro­pri­ate out­put volt­age that sup­plies the elec­tric motor, which gets the wheels turn­ing.

100 — 150 °C
is the oper­at­ing tem­per­a­ture.
Flame-retar­dant esters are there­fore used as insu­lat­ing agents.

< 25 HERTZ
The trans­form­ers are oper­at­ed at a much low­er fre­quen­cy than pow­er trans­form­ers (50/60 Hz).

2.5 — 4.5 METRIC TONS
due to the trans­former. They have to be com­pact and light so that the loco­mo­tive isn’t too heavy.

The trans­former is in use for at least this long, and trav­els approx­i­mate­ly 600,000 rail kilo­me­ters per year.


This acces­so­ry from MR has been spe­cial­ly designed to meet the require­ments of rail trans­form­ers: It is durable and helps to improve the effi­cien­cy of the pow­er elec­tron­ics. It can be installed in near­ly any hous­ing with­out prob­lems due to its opti­mized design.

Dehydrating breather:
More stable after saying goodbye to plastic
Oil/water flow monitor
for flow velocity up to 5 m/s
Medium voltage bushing
in purpose-optimized design
Pressure relief device:
compartmentalized space for IP65 electrical switches
Porcelain bushings
for 1 kV and 3 kV, customizable
Shut-off valve
in space-saving design

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