They are highly regarded by their fellow experts, they have a wealth of expertise, and they are united by one thing: They are all working for the Reinhausen Group on finding the best technical solutions for network operators, transformer manufacturers, and general contractors.
Dr. Karsten Viereck, Director of Technology
Specialist Area: Dr. Viereck has spent his whole career working in the field of transformer digitalization. He started developing initial monitoring systems back in the 1990s. Today, he is a highly sought-after expert in this field of industry. His work focuses on defining algorithms and developing application models. ETOS®, the system solution for the automation of power transformers, represents the culmination of his extensive knowledge of transformers.
Works: Involved in several dozen patents and a member of multiple working groups. Most important publication to date: “Guide on Transformer Intelligent Condition Monitoring Systems”, a standard work published by the Cigré Study Committee for Transformers covering algorithms, artificial intelligence, and monitoring procedures.
Vision: The digitalization of transformers continues to move forward. In the future, the focus will be on incorporating artificial intelligence into transformer diagnostics.
Mission: To understand customers and make their equipment fit for the energy supply of tomorrow.
Dr. Axel Krämer, Director of Technology
Specialist area: As the expert in tap changers, his expertise ensures that the only moving component in the transformer is always state of the art. His knowledge is highly sought after by numerous standardization bodies.
Works: The book “On-Load Tap-Changers for Power Transformers” is, quite simply, the definitive work on this component. By providing application-based help for transformer manufacturers and users, it aims to demystify the tap changer and defy its reputation as an unknown entity in the field of electrical engineering.
Vision: The traditional tap changer with oil switching technology will gradually lose significance. It will be superseded by vacuum switching technology, which will become widespread in the future. Der traditionelle Stufenschalter mit Öl-Schalttechnik wird nach und nach an Bedeutung verlieren. Die Zukunft gehört der Vakuum-Schalttechnik, die sich flächendeckend durchsetzen wird.
Mission: To manage the balancing act of complying with strictly defined standards while ensuring that they do not stand in the way of future developments. This is the only way to ensure that customers can benefit from innovations.
Diagnostics and Sensors
Dr. Andreas Kurz, Head of Measuring & Diagnostics Center of Competence at Messko
Specialist area: The two main aspects of his specialist area are closely linked: Sensors are required in order to enable the diagnosis of electrical equipment. The CoC focuses on the digitalization of switchgears and also develops innovative and intelligent sensor systems. These systems are combined with new kinds of algorithms to form unique evaluation models which provide the customer with information about the state of each individual piece of equipment at all times.
Works: Numerous publications in international specialist media, international patents, member of various expert panels including Cigré committees (Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Électriques).
Vision: As a result of the energy revolution, operators will increasingly have to decide on an ad hoc basis which node to use for supplying energy. This means that the sensors made by Messko under the umbrella of the Reinhausen Group will become more important, as they provide the necessary data. In this way, they will be helping to bring about the energy revolution.
Mission: To use the driving force of digitalization and its impact on the field of energy technology to establish new, sustainable approaches.
High-Voltage Direct Current Transmission
Dr. Dazhong Shen, Senior Manager for Business Development for China
Specialist area: Before Dr. Shen came to MR, he worked for a transformer manufacturer. He now specializes in the complex solutions that customers, particularly those in the Chinese market, are asking for. HVDC technology is a big part of this, as China has to be able to transport large quantities of power over large distances at a high voltage in an efficient manner.
Works: Together with Professor Zhou Yinghao, a member of the Chinese Academy, Shen has written a textbook on on-load tap-changers in HVDC converter transformers. The book explains all aspects of the design and operation of these components for the first time. It is already regarded as a standard work.
Vision: People will continue to need more and more power. But energy sources are unevenly distributed and are not always located where they are needed. This means that transporting power over large distances will become more and more important.
Mission: To work with energy suppliers and transformer manufacturers to develop the best technical solutions and to maintain personal contact with technicians at all levels.
Testing and Measuring Technology
Thomas Steiner,
Technical Director at HIGHVOLT
Specialist area: Steiner is an internationally renowned expert in high voltage tests and measuring technology. While he was still at university, he constructed his own test bench and built a transient recorder for his dissertation project — a pioneering achievement at the start of the 1990s. Today, he is in charge of a wide variety of technical fields at HIGHVOLT and he works on developing new test methods together with his teams. He contributes his expertise to several standardization bodies.
Works: Over 30 specialist publications. He has been the spokesman for the TC42 committee since 2008. He has contributed to numerous international standards, including the complete development process for IEC 61083–3 which defines the standards for measuring equipment used in high-voltage and high-current tests.
Vision: There is a global trend toward higher and higher voltages for equipment. In this context, sophisticated, intelligent testing and measuring technology will become more and more important.
Mission: To solve customers’ problems, even when they are at the limits of physics.
The Fruits of their Labors
On-Load Tap-Changers for Power Transformers
by Dr. Axel Krämer.
Second revised edition
ISBN 978–3‑931954–47‑5
On-Load Tap-Changers in HVDC Converter Transformers
by Dr. Dazhong Shen.
ISBN 978–7‑5123–9962‑4