Green electricity from the Netherlands

For a large order for the pro­duc­tion of 30 bat­tery stor­age sys­tems, the Dutch pow­er grid experts at Alfen were look­ing for a sup­pli­er for a cus­tom sys­tem con­sist­ing of a trans­former and sinu­soidal fil­ter. They found it at the Rein­hausen sub­sidiary Hans von Man­goldt.

A sup­pli­er of “green elec­tric­i­ty” planned to equip its bat­tery park with 30 addi­tion­al bat­tery stor­age units in 2020 and was look­ing for a man­u­fac­tur­er for this job that could offer a sys­tem already proven on the mar­ket. It was intend­ed to be used across Europe at fes­ti­vals, large events or mar­kets.

The order went to Alfen, a Dutch com­pa­ny that offers a wide range of prod­ucts and ser­vices con­cern­ing intel­li­gent pow­er grids, includ­ing sub­sta­tions, ener­gy accu­mu­la­tor sys­tems and charg­ing sta­tions for elec­tric cars. Busi­ness Unit Direc­tor Andreas Plenk, respon­si­ble for stor­age sys­tems at Alfen, says, “We were very proud that this order was giv­en to us and that we could make a fur­ther con­tri­bu­tion to envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion in this way.”

Custom transformer and sinusoidal filter

The customer’s wish list was as fol­lows: Each of the mobile stor­age sys­tems should guar­an­tee a capac­i­ty of 338 kWh based on a BMW i3 bat­tery. In addi­tion, stan­dard pow­er con­nec­tions should enable a sim­ple plug-and-play inte­gra­tion at tem­po­rary project sites and and remote loca­tions. And, with a charg­ing pow­er of 400 amps, it must be able to to run for one hour at dou­ble pow­er of 800 amps.

“Our sup­pli­ers also have to deliv­er top qual­i­ty in large quan­ti­ties.” Andreas Plenk is Busi­ness Unit Direc­tor at Alfen and is respon­si­ble for the bat­tery projects.

For this pur­pose, Alfen need­ed to start by equip­ping its own sys­tem, “The Bat­tery”, with a trans­former in order to achieve gal­van­ic iso­la­tion between the input, the ener­gy-accu­mu­la­tor invert­er and the out­put. Plenk adds, “We need­ed a sup­pli­er to deliv­er a cus­tom sys­tem con­sist­ing of spe­cial trans­form­ers and sinu­soidal fil­ters accord­ing to these spec­i­fi­ca­tions on a defined lay­out.” The Dutch found their match with the Rein­hausen sub­sidiary Hans von Man­goldt in Aachen.

Future system modules

“While price is always the decid­ing fac­tor in the deliv­ery of tech­ni­cal­ly defined com­po­nents, we also look very close­ly at the deliv­ered qual­i­ty, which for us par­tic­u­lar­ly includes the supplier’s process qual­i­ty. The sup­pli­er must be capa­ble not only of sup­ply­ing the ini­tial pro­to­types, but also con­sis­tent­ly high qual­i­ty in series pro­duc­tion,” explains Alfen man­ag­er Plenk, adding, “Equal­ly impor­tant in such a project is a part­ner who is cre­ative and always thinks a step ahead. We must work togeth­er if we want to win over cus­tomers in the long term.”

Plenk believes that the future will involve deliv­er­ing fin­ished sys­tem mod­ules. “That is the next step we will take with sup­pli­ers, assum­ing quan­ti­ties con­tin­ue to increase going for­ward.” Plenk con­sid­ers Man­goldt to be very well posi­tioned for this.


Michael Ess­er, Sales Engi­neer

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