Early warning for the fleet

With ECOSENSE® ACTIVE PART, Rein­hausen now offers DGA sen­sors at attrac­tive price scales in online sales.

Asset man­agers are faced with major tasks: Most trans­form­ers have passed their zenith and the aver­age age of the glob­al fleets is over 40 years so it is imper­a­tive to iden­ti­fy aging process­es and avoid fail­ures. After all, reli­a­bil­i­ty counts more than ever today as increas­ing volatil­i­ty due to the use of renew­able ener­gies meets a con­tin­u­ous­ly grow­ing demand for ener­gy. Many net­works and resources are already oper­at­ing at their capac­i­ty lim­its.

Proven sensor technology

Increased secu­ri­ty for trans­former fleets is pro­vid­ed by online DGA (Dis­solved Gas Analy­sis) sen­sors. While prob­lems with the active part of the trans­former are known to be respon­si­ble for almost half of all trans­former fail­ures, these can be detect­ed and avert­ed in time by using gas-in-oil analy­ses. “In many cas­es today, it is a mat­ter of quick­ly set­ting up an infra­struc­ture to mon­i­tor an out­dat­ed trans­former fleet. We want to sup­port asset man­agers in this regard and are there­fore now offer­ing our new DGA sen­sor ECOSENSE® ACTIVE PART at attrac­tive price scales direct­ly in online sales,” reports Oliv­er Reetz, who helped estab­lish the new BUY-ONLINE-ONLY sales con­cept in the ECOSENSE® team at Rein­hausen.

Net­work oper­a­tors ben­efit from a sen­sor that has been tried and test­ed in many thou­sands of instal­la­tions and is avail­able world­wide at short notice and in large quan­ti­ties with all the com­po­nents required for instal­la­tion. For the new ECOSENSE® sen­sor fam­i­ly, Rein­hausen has reduced its proven DGA sen­sor to two equip­ment vari­ants (80/50 DIN flange). The sen­sor sup­ports the stan­dard MODBUS RTU pro­to­col so that instal­la­tion and com­mis­sion­ing require no addi­tion­al qual­ification and can be eas­i­ly and quick­ly car­ried out by on-site techni­cians them­selves. Only a volt­age sup­ply is required.

Service, sensors, support

“Sim­ple and easy—that was our guid­ing prin­ci­ple for the devel­op­ment of the new sen­sors and the online sales con­cept. After all, we want to serve a mass mar­ket with high-qual­i­ty and afford­able prod­ucts,” explains Oliv­er Reetz. In the next step, the ECOSENSE® team there­fore plans to upgrade the new web plat­form with impor­tant ser­vice and sup­port infor­ma­tion, such as train­ing and ser­vice videos.

onload econsense active part reetz team onlineshop
“With low-cost bun­dles of DGA sen­sors proven thou­sands of times over, we sup­port asset man­agers in mon­i­tor­ing their fleets.” Oliv­er Retz (1st from left) from Team ECOSENSE®


Do you have any ques­tions about the new ECOSENSE® ACTIVE PART sen­sor fam­i­ly or Reinhausen’s new BUY-ONLINE-ONLY sales con­cept?
Oliv­er Reetz and his team are there for you: O.Reetz@reinhausen.com

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