It works. Just 15 minutes per test piece

Distri­b­u­tion trans­form­ers are a mass prod­uct. But before they can leave pro­duc­tion, every trans­former has to under­go inten­sive elec­tri­cal test­ing. The DiTAS auto­mat­ed test sys­tem from HIGHVOLT can test the gen­er­al oper­at­ing para­me­ters, load char­ac­ter­is­tics, and insu­la­tion in under 15 min­utes. This is pos­si­ble because the sys­tem switch­es auto­mat­i­cal­ly between test cir­cuits rather than man­u­al­ly. Fur­ther­more, a lift­ing plat­form allows dif­fer­ent trans­former sizes to be con­nect­ed quick­ly and eas­i­ly.


Find out more about the test procedure in our white paper:

HIGH VOLT: Automated test systems for Distribution transformers DiTAS

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