Round the World, Round The Clock

Rein­hausen has been involved in two projects on two dif­fer­ent sides of the world.


In a retrofit project for US energy giant Dominion, MESSKO demonstrated that flexibility is just as important to accessories as it is elsewhere.

Oil lev­el gauges are rarely the cen­ter of atten­tion. There’s no dis­put­ing their indis­pens­able role in ensur­ing that trans­form­ers run flawlessly—but, as Petra Wiethoff from MESSKO’s cus­tomer sup­port team points out, they shouldn’t stand out: “They’re like car wind­shield wipers in that they need to work dis­creet­ly in the back­ground.” Despite their low profile, Wiethoff learned just how much delight these com­po­nents can bring to cus­tomers dur­ing a project for Domin­ion Ener­gy, one of the USA’s biggest ener­gy sup­pli­ers and an MR cus­tomer for more than two decades. Based in Rich­mond, Vir­ginia, the pow­er flow­ing through the company’s grid feeds into areas includ­ing the Wash­ing­ton, D.C. admin­is­tra­tive district—which means out­ages are some­thing that Domin­ion sim­ply can­not afford.

Wiethoff and her US col­league Car­los Bit­tner were well aware of this when Domin­ion approached them for a quote for a retrofit project. The com­pa­ny want­ed to fit 45 old­er trans­form­ers from a Japan­ese man­u­fac­tur­er with MESSKO® MTOs — noth­ing unusu­al there. There was one catch, how­ev­er: the weight of the rub­ber bag could cause the straight float to bend, dam­ag­ing both it and the bag itself. The stan­dard approach would be to mod­i­fy the con­ser­va­tors on site, which would extend the time­line con­sid­er­ably, add com­plex­i­ty as well as cost to the effort.

The curved float for the­ha con­ser­va­tor tank.

Wiethoff quick­ly rec­og­nized that flex­i­bil­i­ty was the key to find­ing a solu­tion: “We need­ed curved floats.” As MESSKO had noth­ing of this kind in its range at that point, the team quick­ly got to work on devel­op­ing the per­fect float for this unique­ly shaped con­ser­va­tor tank in order to fulfill Dominion’s needs. Messko worked with lead tech­ni­cian Matthew Beale and James Delong to devel­op the cur­va­ture and shape of the float bends. In late sum­mer 2020, the first MTOs for Domin­ion were then suc­cess­ful­ly installed—without any inter­rup­tions in func­tion.

“It was a com­plete suc­cess,” says Car­los Bit­tner, sum­ming up the project, “and the cus­tomer is very keen for MESSKO to devel­op unique solu­tions for oth­er out­dat­ed and unnec­es­sar­i­ly com­plex devices in its fleet.” Jonathan Dev­er­ick, Dominion’s Oper­a­tional Engi­neer­ing Reli­a­bil­i­ty Group, agrees: “The con­ser­va­tor tank oil lev­el gauge is a crit­i­cal com­po­nent in our resilien­cy pro­gram. It is imper­a­tive we have a reli­able and accu­rate oil lev­el gauge for our over­all pro­tec­tion scheme. This solu­tion ulti­mate­ly pro­vides a reli­able net­work to our cus­tomers in a cost effec­tive man­ner. Work­ing through this engi­neer­ing chal­lenge has improved our rela­tion­ship with Messko and has shown us Messko’s capa­bil­i­ties.”


Transpower in New Zealand was looking for a durable oil analysis sensor. MR came up with the solution — in the form of the MSENSE ® DGA 5.

The sea spray, salt-laden air, and wind that are fea­tures of New Zealand’s cli­mate might be exact­ly what attracts tourists who are fans of the great outdoors—but they are a tox­ic source of cor­ro­sion for trans­form­ers. That’s why New Zealand ener­gy com­pa­ny Trans­pow­er val­ues excep­tion­al dura­bil­i­ty and a long ser­vice life so high­ly. This in turn relies on a pre­cise oil analysis—but in order for this to hap­pen, the DGA sen­sors them­selves need to be extreme­ly durable too.

The New Zealand grid operator’s trans­form­ers have to bat­tle with the forces of nature, which means they needex­tra-effec­tive mon­i­tor­ing.

In 2020, Trans­pow­er decid­ed that it need­ed to make a change on its HVDC Pole 2 Con­vert­er Trans­form­ers locat­ed at Hay­wards and Ben­more sub­sta­tions. The Trans­pow­er HVDC link main­tains a DC con­nec­tion which ‘runs’ from Ben­more locat­ed in the South Island of New Zealand to Hay­wards locat­ed in the North Island of New Zealand. “The costs of oper­at­ing the pre­vi­ous equip­ment had become a prob­lem because we need­ed to use con­sum­able mate­ri­als like heli­um as the cal­i­bra­tion gas,” explains Lee Har­rop, Senior Engi­neer at Trans­pow­er.

MR has been oper­at­ing a sub­sidiary in Syd­ney, Aus­tralia since 1987 and sup­plies loca­tions includ­ing New Zealand from there. As a long-stand­ing cus­tomer of MR’s on-load tap-chang­ers, Trans­pow­er was aware of the company’s new prod­uct, the MSENSE® DGA 5. It was this online oil analy­sis device that result­ed in MR win­ning out against oth­er estab­lished sup­pli­ers in the ten­der for Transpower’s project, thanks to a num­ber of its fea­tures: The device requires no car­ri­er or cal­i­bra­tion gas­es what­so­ev­er and is also extreme­ly durable. “MR not only met all of Transpower’s tech­ni­cal require­ments, but actu­al­ly exceed­ed them as the device is able to mon­i­tor more gas­es than required,” explains Lee.


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