In a Flash. The Control Room at Home

Check­ing the oil tem­per­a­ture in the trans­former tank while enjoy­ing a morn­ing cof­fee, plan­ning main­te­nance tasks after a jog around the park, and tak­ing a last look at the bush­ings just before going to bed. All from your home office, with­out ever hav­ing to enter the con­trol room? Tasks that seemed unthink­able a few years ago have been pos­si­ble for some time now: Pow­er trans­form­ers can be mon­i­tored, con­trolled, and reg­u­lat­ed at any time and — in prin­ci­ple — from any loca­tion.

This has been made pos­si­ble thanks to the dig­i­tal­iza­tion solu­tions offered by Rein­hausen, which sat­is­fy the high­est stan­dards when it comes to cyber­se­cu­ri­ty. Thanks to ETOS® and the TESSA® fleet mon­i­tor­ing solu­tion, the data from every sin­gle trans­former can be retrieved round the clock, ear­ly warn­ing sys­tems enable oper­a­tors to respond quick­ly as soon as a prob­lem is report­ed, and there’s no longer any need to make the time-con­sum­ing jour­ney to the iso­lat­ed site of the pri­ma­ry sub­sta­tion.

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