Solar power systems, charging stations for electric vehicles, and battery storage systems have one thing in common: They are direct current systems. But as long as they are connected via AC networks, there are high conversion losses. Are direct current networks the answer?
At the very beginning of global electrification, there was a disagreement. Thomas Alva Edison, best known as the inventor of the light bulb, was convinced that direct current grids were the best way to supply people with electricity. For his opponent George Westinghouse, engineer and entrepreneur, it was clear that alternating current was better suited for transmitting electrical energy. And thus at the end of the 19th century a competition about the future standard began. In the end, Westinghouse famously prevailed: Thanks to the transformer, it was much more cost-effective to transport alternating current over long distances. But could Edison still in fact win in the end? Today, a good 130 years later, it appears that direct current grids could make a comeback—albeit on a smaller scale for now.
Solar energy is on the rise
The energy transition makes it possible and also necessary. To stop global warming, activities are increasing worldwide to promote phasing out fossil fuels and replacing them as quickly as possible with renewable sources. Already today, about 50 percent of the electricity produced in Germany comes from solar or wind power plants. And if the current German government has its way, a total of 300 gigawatts will come from renewable energies by 2035, with a large part of it from solar energy.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems in Freiburg has calculated that Germany theoretically has enough surface area to generate 3,160 gigawatts of solar power, and 400 gigawatts would already be sufficient to make gas, oil, coal and nuclear power superfluous. Whether the federal government’s goals will be met on time is uncertain. But time is pressing, because demand is simultaneously on the rise due to consumers such as electric vehicles and heat pumps, which explicitly require direct current. And to constantly meet daily demand despite volatile power generation from wind and solar, more and more battery storage systems will be needed.
“In total, 12 percent of green energy goes unused. Technologically and economically, that is completely inefficient.”Stephan Rupp, grid expert at Reinhausen
What they all have in common is that they are DC systems. Until now, however, they have each been connected to the AC grid via an inverter. Stephan Rupp, grid expert and business developer at Reinhausen, who is working closely on the future of power grids, explains: “Technically and economically, this is completely inefficient.”
An example will illustrate this: When the sun shines at noon, solar power systems produce the most electricity. However, the greatest demand occurs in the evening hours, when people come home from work and charge their electric vehicles, for example. Therefore, the mid-day electricity ends up in battery storage systems in the meantime. Really a sensible concept.
But the path from the generator to the consumer is currently still quite circuitous: From the solar-power system, the electricity first goes to the AC grid, from there to the battery storage system, then back to the AC grid, until it finally reaches the charging station. In other words, the electricity will already have four conversion stages behind it before it charges the vehicle battery. “At every stage, there are losses of at least 3 percent. So in total, 12 percent of green electricity goes unused,” says Rupp. Wouldn’t it be much easier if we could simply draw direct current directly from the power socket?
Lacking standards for DC technology
In the future, most of the solar power from roofs and facades will be generated in the low-voltage grid, i.e., locally. “Coupling the DC systems at the lowest voltage level without going through the AC grid would make the most sense,” Rupp says. Such a DC network would also have the advantage that the lines could be much thinner with a slightly higher DC voltage compared to AC voltage, and fewer lines would be needed. This would reduce the copper needed by about 40 percent.
“The solution could initially be small, local, low-voltage DC grids, known as DC microgrids,” says Rupp. But norms and standards are currently lacking for the necessary technology that these grids require and that would ultimately make them affordable. Marco Stieneker, Project Manager DC Power Applications at Reinhausen, emphasizes: “We need to get to the point where DC technology can be used according to the plug-and-play principle. Only then will direct current be successful.”
“Coupling the direct current systems at the lowest voltage level without going through the AC grid would make the most sense.“Stephan Rupp, Business Developer, Reinhausen
To research these paths, Reinhausen is participating in a series of projects. These include the Copernicus project ENSURE (New Energy Grid Structures), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), in which DC stations are being tested, among other things; the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate (BMWK) project HPC-Prime (High Power Charging), which is developing fast-charging columns for DC grids; and the DC-Industry project, which is working on DC grids for industrial applications.
Stieneker, who develops the necessary technical solutions for DC applications at Reinhausen, emphasizes: “We are not starting from scratch. We already have many years of experience with power electronics, inverter and battery systems. We have a solid understanding of systems from the old world, and we know how to transform that expertise into the new world.”
Reinhausen’s grid specialists have already developed ready-to-use, innovative DC solutions:
GRIDCON® High Power Charger
The bidirectional charging column from Reinhausen can be connected directly to DC systems and enables fast charging of electric vehicles with up to 250 kW. The integrated bidirectional inverter also handles the grid connection for connected battery storage systems. It also enables battery-powered vehicles to operate as mobile, bidirectional storage units in a future SmartGrid
GRIDCON® DC Transformer
The first electrically isolated DC/DC converter on the market can be used like a regulated AC power transformer. This means that DC networks of different voltages and different network types can also be connected and the load flow can be controlled in a targeted manner.
GRIDCON® Power Conversion System
The modular inverter/converter system for DC and AC supply in low voltage enables the coupling of direct current grids with the medium voltage grid in the DC stations.
DC voltage in the local grid
pecific use cases for direct-coupled DC systems include shopping malls and commercial areas. Here, there is plenty of room for solar power systems on buildings or even above parking lots. While people are shopping or working in offices, they could charge their electric vehicles directly with clean solar power. Battery storage systems would ensure that this is possible even when the sky is cloudy.
But how might such a low-voltage DC grid work? In principle, it is very similar to an AC grid. Similarly to the local network transformer, a DC station would have to be connected to the medium voltage. In a sense, it is the heart of the DC grid and technically functions like a converter with a built-in transformer, supplying the DC grid with 1,500 volts DC with outputs of up to 2,000 kilowatts.
“We need to get to the
point where DC technology can be used based on the plug-and-play principle.
Only then will direct current be successful.“Marco Stieneker, Project Manager DC Power Applications at Reinhausen
Reinhausen has already developed a solution for the DC stations that is currently being tested as part of the ENSURE project: the GRIDCON® PowerConversion System. “This is a modular AC converter system for DC and AC supply in the low voltage range,” says Stieneker. If the DC grid represents the extension of an existing AC grid, the DC station could be set up in addition to the local grid transformer. In the event of grid failures or faults, it is then able to also set up an AC grid from the battery storage systems in the DC grid to ensure supply. And it can also provide AC connections in the low voltage to supply AC equipment. This increases system autonomy and the supply security of the grids.
The industrial grids of tomorrow
DC grids also offer enormous potential for industrial operations. Electric drives account for 70 percent of industrial electricity consumption. Without them, controlling robots such as those used in the automotive industry would be impossible. However, the frequency converters required for precise motor control also cause conversion losses. When connected directly to a DC grid, these would be reduced. In addition, the braking energy could be fed back in the form of direct current and—if the grid is intelligently controlled—could directly supply other systems. Robots, for example, have to brake very frequently in their sequences of motion. However, until now, the energy generated in the process has been dissipated in the form of heat. Another disadvantage of frequency converters is that they generate disruptive harmonics.
If these are eliminated, the power supply in the plant also becomes more reliable and production downtimes are avoided. Overall, industrial companies can therefore significantly increase their efficiency if they set up a DC grid in the plant. Experts estimate that five percent of electricity could be saved in this way.
If consumers based on direct current could be supplied directly with direct voltage, there would be no conversion losses.
Direct current on all grid levels
In the future, direct current transmission at medium-voltage level is also conceivable. Research projects such as AC2DC, sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate (BMWK), in which Reinhausen is working together with the Technical University of Dresden, are already addressing this issue. DC transformers are then needed to couple the different voltage levels together. Here, too, Reinhausen has developed an innovative solution with the GRIDCON® DCT. “This is an electrically isolated DC-DC converter, which in principle behaves in exactly the same way as a regulated AC power transformer,” explains Stieneker.
So will there eventually only be direct current coming out of the socket at home? Grid expert Rupp doesn’t think this will happen so quickly. “But I can imagine DC technology slowly becoming established as a co-infrastructure in residential buildings and factory buildings as well, coupling the solar system on the roof with the heat pump in the basement and the car in the garage, for example.” So it could be the case that DC and AC emerge from history with at least a draw.
Do you have questions about DC grids?
Stephan Rupp and Marco Stieneker are happy to help:
Stephan Rupp:
Marco Stieneker: