Long live the fleet!

The TESSA® APM (asset per­for­mance man­age­ment) soft­ware shows the sta­tus of trans­form­ers in real time. With installed intel­li­gence, it extends the ser­vice life of the assets and enables more effi­cient main­te­nance.

Regu­lar offline assess­ments and online mon­i­tor­ing can reduce the like­li­hood of a trans­former fail­ure by 70 per­cent. Stud­ies from CIGRÉ and IEEE have demon­strat­ed this. This is nice to know. But the real­i­ty often looks like this: By the time a trans­former reach­es the crit­i­cal years when it needs more atten­tion, it has been in ser­vice for a good 25 or 30 years. The com­mis­sion­ing was half a work­ing life­time ago by then. Experts take knowl­edge of the impor­tant grid resource with them into retire­ment, and data is often scat­tered or incom­plete. Bud­gets shrink, while the demands of grow­ing ener­gy needs and the volatil­i­ty of renew­able ener­gies increase.

To lever­age this poten­tial for fleet oper­a­tors, Rein­hausen has devel­oped TESSA® APM, a solu­tion for asset per­for­mance man­age­ment. It com­bines on-site inspec­tions and samp­ling through field devices with online mon­i­tor­ing. Con­sis­tent data man­age­ment and the dig­i­tal­iza­tion of many indi­vid­ual process­es in asset man­age­ment cre­ate a sol­id data­base. The result is full trans­paren­cy on the con­di­tion of assets at all times, from the fleet lev­el down to indi­vid­ual com­po­nents.


How­ev­er, the devel­op­ers of TESSA® at Rein­hausen said to them­selves: 70 per­cent low­er prob­a­bil­i­ty of fail­ure? We can do bet­ter! Because there are two things still miss­ing from the equa­tion: Reinhausen’s many years of expe­ri­ence with trans­form­ers and the abil­i­ty to apply that expe­ri­ence to the data via algo­rithms and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence.

The results are sta­tus analy­ses, fore­casts, and clear rec­om­men­da­tions for action for sys­tem­at­ic pre­dic­tive main­te­nance of fleets. This fur­ther reduces the like­li­hood of crit­i­cal fail­ures, helps decide when and where to invest, and sig­nif­i­cant­ly extends asset life. And if the oper­at­ing and main­te­nance data and his­to­ry of the trans­form­ers are not avail­able from the start of com­mis­sion­ing, Rein­hausen offers the right solu­tion for an up-to-date sta­tus assess­ment with FLEETSCAN 2D. This means that TESSA® APM can also be used for old­er trans­form­ers that are already in oper­a­tion.

From the past:

TESSA Asset Per­for­mance Man­age­ment itself has a key asset: Reinhausen’s decades of knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence with trans­form­ers. This affects both the pro­gram­ming and the train­ing of algo­rithms and AI for data analy­sis as well as the fore­cast for effi­cient main­te­nance. In addi­tion, this expe­ri­ence is incor­po­rat­ed into the prac­ti­cal design of the soft­ware with its intu­itive dash­board and the visu­al pre­sen­ta­tion of the data.

Into the present:

TESSA con­nects the offline and online worlds to con­sis­tent­ly map the exact sta­tus of each asset down to the mod­ules at all times.
Offline: On-site inspec­tions by oper­a­tors’ inter­nal spe­cial­ists or exter­nal ser­vice providers such as Rein­hausen itself reg­u­lar­ly pro­vide fresh field data. In addi­tion, there is data from field sam­ples that are ana­lyzed in the lab­o­ra­to­ry.
Online: TESSA takes sen­sor data from dig­i­tal­ized trans­form­ers and adds it to the over­all pic­ture. This means that any fault is detect­ed imme­di­ate­ly.

For the future:

The algo­rithms and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence pro­grammed and trained by Rein­hausen con­stant­ly look to the future. They rec­og­nize pat­terns in the data that indi­cate future defects or impair­ments. They also cat­e­go­rize and pri­or­i­tize the find­ings and pro­vide clear rec­om­men­da­tions for action.

In this way, the soft­ware helps to opti­mize main­te­nance inter­vals and thus save costs. In doing so, it relies not only on cur­rent data but also includes past data in order to bet­ter assess the resilience and devel­op­ment of an asset over its ser­vice life and to be able to make more reli­able fore­casts.

Always fitting

TESSA is brows­er-based and adapts with full respon­sive­ness to the end device and appli­ca­tion. On a PC, the focus is on the gen­er­ous dash­board. On a cell phone, the most impor­tant data is bun­dled for a quick overview. For on-site work at the trans­former, ini­tial data eval­u­a­tions come to the fore­ground.


The dash­board shows asset man­agers the sta­tus of the fleet, upcom­ing dead­lines, and event lists with cur­rent and pri­or­i­tized inci­dents. Fleet mon­i­tor­ing takes us to the detailed lev­el with analy­ses, indi­vid­ual data, and rec­om­men­da­tions for action plus expla­na­tions about them: For exam­ple, the analy­ses of the lab­o­ra­to­ry results of the oil sam­ple inves­ti­ga­tion, for which fur­ther dia­grams and rec­om­men­da­tions are offered.

Compatible with all manufacturers

TESSA is open for all. The sys­tem receives and stores data from sen­sors and com­po­nents from all man­u­fac­tur­ers.


TESSA uses all avail­able offline and online data to find poten­tial faults, esti­mate fail­ure prob­a­bil­i­ties, and pro­vide analy­ses and action options for the solu­tion. The soft­ware is also ready for the use of ISO 55000 and its data pro­tec­tion is opti­mized on an ongo­ing basis.

By the way: FLEETSCAN 2D is the opti­mal tool to inte­grate an up-to-date con­di­tion assess­ment of exist­ing trans­form­ers into TESSA.

Read more: www.reinhausen.com/tessa-apm

“Expe­ri­ence meets data meets digi­tali­zation.”
Thorsten Krüger

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