Proven in the field

Volt­age reg­u­lat­ed dis­tri­b­u­tion trans­form­ers have already been used for many years around the world. We asked grid oper­a­tors and trans­former man­u­fac­tur­ers about their expe­ri­ences.

“Set­ting up has been straight for­ward and com­pared to some oth­er volt­age reg­u­lat­ing tools it has been quick and easy.” Raf­faele Caru­so, Low Volt­age Plan­ning Man­ag­er, SA Pow­er Net­works, Aus­tralia

“Our most pos­i­tive expe­ri­ence was that we exchanged the trans­former in one morn­ing. With this we solved all the volt­age bot­tle­necks in the grid. The net­work was once again ready for the ener­gy tran­si­tion.” Jur Erbrink, Ener­gy Con­sul­tant, Allian­der, the Nether­lands

“The com­pact design of ECOTAP does not impact the foot­print of the trans­former.” Mladen Markovic, Devel­op­ment Engi­neer, Kon­car D & ST, Croa­t­ia

“The VRDT is an impor­tant piece of the puz­zle in our dis­tri­b­u­tion grid expan­sion and is very easy to retro­fit into exist­ing sta­tions, espe­cial­ly in com­pact sta­tions with very tight spaces.”Thomas Hilbe, Grid Oper­a­tion and Sales, Voral­berg­er Energien­et­ze GmbH, Aus­tria

“MR’s ECOTAP® VPD® enables Charoen­chai to devel­op trans­form­ers with a wider range of appli­ca­tions.” Chakkrit Kaewlu­ang, Engi­neer­ing Man­ag­er, Charoen­chai Trans­former Co, Thai­land

“Since we will prob­a­bly need about 90 per­cent VRDTs in our net­work struc­tures in 20 years’ time, we are cur­rent­ly only buy­ing VRDTs because we already have enough unreg­u­lat­ed trans­form­ers.” Dr.-Ing. Johannes Schmiesing, Head of Pow­er Grid Devel­op­ment, AVACON Netz GmbH, Ger­many

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